Powers Within

JP with Bandorchu and Cindy

Islana had been helping Alexis, along with Gonyaul, in turning the property into something new, something far better than what it had been.

The young woman had not and would not venture out to the stone; there was no telling if that was a step that would ever happen. Maybe, someday but not now.

It was a day off for the redhead. Waking up early, she had headed into the woods. Her bow went with her but it went everywhere she went.

There was something that Islana needed to try or more like try again. While, the day was breaking before the work began.

Walking for a ways but still on the property, Islana came to a clearing in the woods. Not a particularly large clearing but large enough for what she needed.

Standing in the center, the redhead wasn't even sure it would work. Was what happened in the rock just a fluke? That was possible but it wouldn't explain the shift she had felt in herself; not fully.

Taking a deep breath, closing her eyes, the thought - Come to me. Come to me.

She slowly opened her eyes and nothing. It hadn't worked. One more time. Just to be sure.

Come to me.

Hearing a rustling among the trees, Islana opened her eyes. Green eyes were met with round black ones as a few feet away from her was a red breasted robin on a branch.

Islana held out her hand, palm up, to not seem threatening in anyway and the robin flew to her landing on her arm

With a little patience and a lot more calm than Islana usually had, the young woman began to pet the robin.

Alexis stood very still, a little distance away and watched the unreal scene unfold.

She had discovered the young woman had gone to the woods quite early, and as she did every once in while, followed her tracks to keep an eye on her.

It was foolish, really, the girl was after all more than capable to handle herself in the woods. But a part of her worried that there might still be cultists skulking around.
She needed to stop that overbearing really soon.

But, it seemed, she had stumbled upon something entirely different this time. A confirmation of what had been hinted at that night.

She wondered what to do now. Should she sneak back, let Islana decide herself when and if she wanted to share this or not?

Islana wasn't sure what this meant. Would her ability keep getting bigger? How would she continue to keep it a secret if she did. She had always been able to get animals to come to her but not like this. This was significantly different.

The young woman thanked the bird and told it to go. Green eyes watched as feathers of red and brown, opened it's small wings and headed off into the sky.

What to do now that it was confirmed? Did she tell Alexis and Gonyaul? Well, Gonyaul was a no. Not because she didn't trust him but more she was certain that the man would keep her secret. Which would make him an accessory, if it was ever found out. Islana wasn't going to put him in even more danger than he had subjected himself to, already, on her behalf.

Alexis however.... Islana knew Alexis had heard her being called a witch. The older woman hadn't asked Islana about it but Islana had a feeling she might have been waiting for Islana to come to her. Islana had been waiting until she felt ready to find out if it was real.

Her green eyes searched the area for a moment. She spotted some berries that were not only edible but sweet and very delicious. First ones of the season were always the best, her sister used to say that.

Islana got down on her knees and started picking some of the berries. Maybe a little treat for Alexis, her other older sister, to help with this news.

Alexis made her choice and very quietly stepped away.

This, right there, was Islana’s to share or not.
So much had been forced upon the young woman in her life. Alexis wanted her to have a choice whenever possible.

Upon returning she picked back up on working on the house, glancing at Wim’s gifted book every so often. She had put it to use for drafting the house-to-be, including the wishes of her friends as well as she could.
It had been surprising to find that after all these years she could recall her mother’s lessons still that well.

And she would gladly admit, it felt good to build something up for a change.

Islana took several minutes picking the berries and securing them so they could be carried and not crushed.

With that done and a thought of no time like the present, it was off to tell her secret.

Arriving back in the area, sounds of the work on the house could be heard. Islana hadn't made it back before the other woman awoke but doubted she would have. She put the berries into a small bowl and carried them over to Alexis.

The young woman then said,. "I found some berries." Not an announcement, just a fact.

The redhead took another breath, this was harder than she thought it would be. "I need to talk to you."

Islana never said that unless it was important, this was important.

Alexis had merely turned her head to greet Islana, but stopped what she was doing right away at her request.

Putting down the hammer she walked over to Islana.

“Of course.”

Just say it, was she really had to do it but it wasn't as if the redhead ever told people about it. So, it felt weird to put her ability into words.

"That night," Islana always meant the night of creed when she said that, "I know you heard what he called me. "

Maybe it would have been easier to just show her ability to Alexis than to tell her.

"Well, I have an ... ability." Not sure what else to call it. "I can call animals to me."

It was now just for Alexis's response.

“And that man thought it was magik.”

Alexis tone was gentle.

“Thank you for telling me. That can’t have been easy.”

She carefully put a hand on the young woman’s shoulder.

“What do you want to do about it now?”

What to do about it now?

"I don't know," Islana answered honestly.

"It's changed. I've always been able to bend down, hold my hand and get an animal I saw to come to me but I can now call them to me. " She paused as thoughts of the owl came to her. How it sacrificed itself. "The owl was the first time I had done that."

“Do you want to explore it? I don’t need to tell you that this is a dangerous route to go. You would have to be very very careful.”

Islana wanted to explore it more but she also knew it was dangerous territory to be in. It was difficult decision.

"Yes," she said softly, "I was told very young to not let anyone know. I want to explore it but ..." Her thoughts trailing off. "I'm not sure how I would do that. And it might put everyone else here at risk."

Then a new thought occured to her, "What if it just grows on it's own?"

Alexis sighed.

“I wouldn’t know. Not an expert by any stretch of imagination. And with the inquisition up and about we can’t exactly go around and ask.”

Her gaze wandered of the expanse of land that they now called their home.

“I guess this plot has one good point to it. It’s secluded, for now at least. So if you choose to experiment, you should be able to do so undetected.”

Certainly all of what Alexis said was accurate. Including being able to experiment without being found out.

However, the best answer the young woman could give was, "I think it might be best if I think about it, for now."

Islana was sure that the answer would come to her but for now there was too much uncertainty with either decision.

“That is rarely a bad way to tackle things.”

The mercenary smiled at her young friend.

“Now, should we have your berries for breakfast?”

An offer to drop the topic for now, until Islana wanted to revisit it.

With a nod, and soft but returned smile, "Yes, let's."

And with that the topic was dropped, for the time being, the berries were presented and breakfast eaten.

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