No more ships, no more travels, no more....swindling?

Sneaking off the ship and into the masses of morning hustle and bustle around the market place was not a difficulat task for Till. The only think he wished he could have done was keep an eye on the whereabouts that dastartdly cheating royal brat. The one that won the remains of Till's coin purse while gambling into the night. Till also wished he had slept longer in his bunk to be fully rested for what he was about to do.

Today was the first day in Till's new life. No more ships, no more travels. No more..swindling? Well, that last one he would have to see about that. After all swindling seemed to come natural to Till. Most times, he didn't even know he was doing it.

Passing by a merchants cart Till swiped a small round piece of fruit that had grabbed his eye. He continued to walk enjoying the morsel as he wandered through Ostarium. Always keeping his eye out and hoping to run into that royal weasel Wim.

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