Campfire conversations 2

"well I hope it wasn't too bad cuz from now on if I have to suffer so do you. I'm going to drag you with me"

"As long as I can stay by your side all night that doesn't sound too bad" Alex chuckled, if it meant seeing her and more of those dresses and avoiding the vipers nest of women that tended to be at those dinners he could suck it up for an evening.

As the night continued on Alex was content just to sit there and enjoy it with her. Some might come weird but to Alex there was something special about you spending time with someone no talking just coexisting. When Alex first arrived at the ranch he spent most of his evenings alone just camping underneath the stars however a couple of years down the line Rainey started joining him, sure they might have a couple of conversations but it was mostly spent in silence just looking at the stars.

she tugged the back of his shirt till he looked at her. "Hey I don't think i have asked in a while but are you ok? like really?"

"Only you could read me like a book" he chuckled with a soft smile as his hand reached to to touch the scar across his left eye. "I was just thinking about how it's been close to 10 years since your mom found me on the side of the road and gave my life a purpose. Truth be told I don't know what I would have done with my life I didn't have that chance or if I'd still be alive to begin with."

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