The Dog House

Marley’s face lit up "only if its chilly dogs." she said and buckled her seat belt the pain in her face a distant memory compared to the promise of her favorite food.

Sam couldn’t help but chuckle. Nothing seemed to get this girl down. She could actually cause people to smile at a funeral.

The further they got away from the reservation, Sam couldn’t help but think his past was behind him. He was bothered by that. The past of his people he wanted behind him. His father could stay far behind him. His grandfather, that was a different story. He loved his grandfather, just didn’t believe as the Chief believed. Toppy? He missed her already. He definitely didn’t want to leave her in the past. She was his best friend. Or, was she more?

Sam pulled into The Dog House. The menu served hot dogs in thirty different ways. Sam parked the Jeep away from other vehicles due to the horse trailer it was pulling.

“Let’s get us some dogs, shall we?” Sam asked Marley. “We can spend this time getting to know each other. Like for instance, I would have thought you would have had a taste for more upscale food. That was a pleasant surprise.”


Kate and Jack’s lips were so close, he could almost taste hers. The way she eyed his lips made him hunger for those lips. And David ruined the moment.

Embry could have strangled David. If anyone was a threat to the King family, it was him. Jack rubbed behind his ear, wondering if David had had any contact with members of the cartels. It was a likely possibility with all David was in to. If David did and didn’t play his cards right, he would be in deep trouble.

He sat back in the leather bound chair. “That came at an inopportune time,” Embry suggested. David needed kicked all the way to the dog house.

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