Truth and Consequences

JP with Redsword and Cindy

After spending about twenty minutes or so in the magic section, Elizabeth realized there was nothing of much use for the issue Dr. Jackal had.

She quickly found Mr. Sung among some other stacks. "Mr. Sung, there is nothing of much use here in the magic section. Are you ready to come with me and find the rest of the team?"

She wasn't concerned something had happened because Elizabeth knew she would have heard about or heard it, if it had.

"Yes my Lady" He replied with a smile. "I would like to come back sometime with my sword Havens Wind. There are etches on the blade that may have some clues. to something we might be able to use. My family always claimed that there are secrets in writing. I saw something here that reminded me of that." He said then paused "I think My family was looking at it wrong. Master Iekino, my Master always hinted at, look at the sky. I will tell you the story one day, " said Sung, putting away the papers.

"I look forward to hearing that, if I ever get a moment for you to tell me." Though there was a light quality to her voice, she was beginning to wonder if running a team was always going to be like the past few days.

The two left the library and Elizabeth stopped for a moment. "Now, where would an American go? Actually, I would bet Miss Lagrave went with the good doctor." Elizabeth said. "So, where would an American and French woman go to? Perhaps one of the Cafés?"

She set her gaze towards Cafe one, they clearly weren't there. Two was closed to prepare for the teams lunch. "I say we check Cafe 3. With any luck Cronk will be with them and not wandered off on his own."

A grin came across Sung's face. "If Cronk is alone, as long as he does not get too hungry most of us should be safe" Sung joked. "I do agree Cafe would be the most likely place they would be," answered Sung.

He could not hold back any longer. "Lady Elizabeth, what did you and Baron Greenwood talk about? You don't have to answer it is your choice as team leader" He paused. "I have watched you grow know you still have to grow some more as a leader. But you are Blooming into the most beautiful rose," said Sung proudly. He hoped to give her some confidence.

Elizabeth nodded with a slight smile and headed towards Cafe 3.

However, when the question came about the Baron Elizabeth slowed her pace and then stopped. "Thank you, Mr. Sung. There is a great deal to this job that I did not anticipate, but I am trying to learn." The comment about her becoming a beautiful rose made her smile but she had long ago learned not to blush, as her mother said, it was best to not, given the position Elizabeth was in.

Elizabeth looked around, no one was with in earshot but still she spoke softly. "I simply told him that Miss Ipsum was not to be toyed with. He threatened to tell my father about my new hires, to which I replied I had already sent a letter to my father regarding that very topic. Then I told the Baron that I did not think my father would appreciate him doing what he is so known for with someone my father hand picked for the team." Now came the part Elizabeth did not think would go over well with Sung. "Baron Greenwood agreed to leave Miss Ipsum alone, if... I have one dance with him at the Magic Guild's Gala. I agreed."

Sung did look a little disturbed at the last part about Baron Greenwood. He stood there just staring at Elizabeth. As her chaperone, Sung disapproved greatly It was her reputation he was worried about and how some might view this.

On the other side, he had to let her make decisions and live with the consequences. "I like to see how you deal with the consequences of that decision." He replied letting Elizabeth know he was not happy.

"All so I permitted you if he does anything inappropriate to brake a finger or his whole hand," Sung said with a smile. "Oh don't forget the slap in the face too," Sung said with a sly grin.

"As for defending your teammate from the Baron." Sung puased letting her wonder what he was about to say and to think about her actions "It was the correct action. As a leader, it is your first job to take care of the team. Mission first, people always"

Elizabeth certainly knew the look Sung was giving her, he was not happy with her decision. She nodded to words about dealing with the consequences. "Understood."

"Certainly, the Baron will get excatly what he deserves, based on his behavior." If that was a slap to the face, so be it. It will be the Baron's own doing.

When Sung complimented her actions regarding Lorem, Liz let out a breath. "Thank you, Mr. Sung." His approval did mean a lot to her.

Elizabeth started walked again, they got closer to Cafe 3 and, while she likely didn't have to, the Eldren pointed out the table holding the rest of the team. "I do believe we've found them. Shall we join them?"

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