Instilling Fear

Previous night

Sasha had spoken to Aceline Borde, and despite it taking considerable convincing she managed to acquire the key to the Borde home. One step of several in a well considered plan. A fear tactic to distract Dr. Lemaire.

Sasha needed to steel herself for the coming hours, and knew there would need to be an explanation by morning. But that was washed away as she focused in and let go of her fear, and put her personality, for the most part, away.

Before leaving Sasha had to stop in and speak with Lady Elizabeth.

Amidst the conversation Sasha entered the room. "Lady Elizabeth." she bowed slightly in greeting. "I am going out, I will write a report on my affairs before tomorrow evening." Sasha said, "Though I can not discuss my reasoning for going out at present I will speak with you about it later if you wish."

"Thank you for informing me,' Elizabeth replied. "I likely do not have to tell you this, but I will anyway, please remain vigilant and be safe."

After that she stopped to speak with Dr. Jackal.

“Docteur.” Sasha greeted him, though not with the same lightly sweet voice, this was distant. “I am heading out. I will detail the success of your ‘remedy’.” she said, even her stare seemed to look through him.

Dr. Jackal raised an eye to Sasha as she seemed to be her "Monster Hunting" persona. She had the same tone when waking him up at gun point when they first met. Hoping not to upset her he gave he a nod and replied, "Happy Hunting Ms. Lagrave." Dr. Jackal was a bit stoic as he noticed he had a lot of dangerous people around him now, but ironically the one he feared the most was the one he had to look at in the mirror everyday.

Sasha slipped out of the manor without a word to anyone else. Heading to the Borde home. Once inside she went to work. Looping string through quickly placed eyelets that lead to a small metal box in direct line with the door. That when fully opened would launch one of her darts containing the poison made by the doctor. She knew it was only a 5% chance Lemaire would be the one to open the door, a calculated risk that the unlikelihood of which let her go through with the plan.

Once the dart was placed in the launcher the air nearly hummed with the tension of the spring loaded device. Sasha breathed slowly as she closed the door and skulked into the alley across the street where she had the perfect view of the house, which is where she set up her next trap. A simple snare.

She watched for what felt like hours until eventually three shadowy figures started down the street. Two were hulking men, the other was a much smaller build. Passing under a gas lamp Sasha saw the shadowed face of Dr. Lemaire. She watched as they walked up to the Borde home and one of the large men took a knee while Lemaire and the other kept watch. Lemire turned in seeming frustration of how long it was taking the man. But the door was eventually unlocked and pushed slowly open. Unfortunately for the man in the lead not slow enough. The pin holding the spring from releasing was pulled free and the dart struck the man center of mass. Startled, the man pulled the dart free. A big mistake. True to his word Doctor Jackal had made a truly fast acting poison man doubled over, started to convulse and crashed to the floor.

Sasha made some intentional noise across the street to get their attention. Standing in total darkness like a specter.

“Get them.” Lemaire told his remaining thug. The thug started over towards Sasha who remained unmoving. When he was close he drew a gun but before he could aim, he was pulled off his feet, his head cracking against the ground dazing him, but he still held the gun. Trying to aim it at the still unmoving Sasha.

Across the street Dr Lemaire watched as his bodyguard was ripped off his feet by his ankle and suspended in front of the shadowed figure. A sudden glint of silver in the darkness and the thugs gun clattered to the ground as his hands went futilely for his throat. Sasha started down the alley, and at this distance Lemaire knew his derringer would do little he fired anyway. Shot one went wide, breaking some bricks near the assailant, the second hit the centre of their chest, and they seemed unphased, only causing an animal-like growl. The doctor panicked, starting to run left, then right and deciding left was best, running back the way he came. Leaving both his men to whomever this was.

Once he was out of earshot Sasha coughed a painful cough. Low calibre or not getting shot still hurts. But the time for pain was later. She still had a few things to finish. She cut the hanging man down, drug the other body to the alley, nearly blacking out from the pain a few times, and removed the trap in the home.

Eventually just as the sun was rising she staggered back into the manor. At this point she was wheezing slightly, something was clearly broken, but it was part of the job. She took a seat in the small dining room knowing her arrival would likely wake some.

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