A Different Kind of Candidate

JP with Redsword, Jaxx and Cindy

May 12, 1889
After Lunch

The rest of the day went as expected more interviews, a break for lunch then the two, Elizabeth and Lily were back at it. They didn't eat lunch with the team currently at the house, instead went over the interviews so far, narrowing down the list of potential candidates even more. All the candidates were highly qualified but the trick was finding just the right fit.

Too strict - out.
The wrong attitude about the children, because of their background - out
Anyone who seemed more like they were interested in Lady Elizabeth than the children - out
Not willing to play with the children- out
So on and so forth it went.

After lunch, the interviews resumed. Once again many were qualified, few were just right. They were down to the last two interviews of the day when Jordan announced that one candidate had left on their own, when they found out they wouldn't be working with Eldren children - Elizabeth had no idea what that was about.

That came to next and last interview, Jordan came in with a woman that looked to be in 30s. Hair the color of a raven graced her head.
Surprisingly she wasn't British or French, as every other nanny they had interviewed was. She was - most people in that culture would have just said Asian, but Elizabeth was looking to see a more precise place. Possibly Japanese, or Korean, the Eldren was better than most westerners about such things but not an expert.

"Lady Elizabeth, may I present Nanny Sako Asako." Jordan introduced the woman.

She gave a curtsy "My Lady' I am Sako Asako, I am horned that you would Interview me." Sako's English was very good. Everything was executed with perfection by someone who has been trained for royalty. Sako recovers from her curtsy. Now standing with perfect posture.

Sako was waiting to be invited into the room fully. for the first time in her life, she was nervous she was facing Lady Elizabeth Duke Ellington's daughter. Sako was told not to take her lightly. That Lady Elizabeth was sharp and intelligent. Baron Greenwood had some words about Lady Elizabeth too but Sako was not sure if everything was true she did not get that impression looking at Lady Elizabeth.

Lily gave a polite smile as she looked at Ms. Asako and gave a polite silent greeting. Then she prepared her self to take her notes. She recorded the mannerisms of Ms. Asako and waited for her answers to the questions.

"Please, come in and have a seat." Elizabeth motioned to the seat across the table from her.

The Eldren then motioned towards Lily, "This is Miss Lavigne, she is helping me conduct the interviews."

Once Sako was seated, Elizabeth asked, "Do you have references with you?"

"Yes, Lady Elizabeth" Sako answered politely and with respect. Reaching down to a bag Sako had with her. Taking out some papers some with seals from the embassies Sako had worked for and one from the British Royal Palace office probably twice as much as any other of the canadiens. As she handed the papers over to Elizabeth she turned her hand so Elisabeth could see the ring from The Order of the Moon.

Elizabeth nodded at the ring and her eyes glanced at the seals, impressive, but she couldn't show thar.

"Thank you, Nanny Asako." Elizabeth then started with what had become the common first question. "Are you aware of the special circumstances of the children you would be watching while working here?"

"Yes, Lady Elizabeth, I have been given the children and their mothers' information and that you have personally taken them under your care. Clement is 12, Eloise is 8, Maria is 6, and their Mother is Aceline Babin she is 28." Sako answered.

She went into describing each one and even some of their likes and dislikes. Sako continued she never looked away once Sako had everything memorized. "Am sure you will hire a nurse for the mother. I have had training in medical practice so I can help out whoever you hire for that position. My certificate should be in my references. I do ask after the interview that I get that back they are hard to come by." Sako requested with a warm smile.

Lily quickly document her answers on her notes. So far Asako had very impressive credentials compared to the other nannies. Though she was curious why such an impressive woman would be a nanny when she could easily get a much more impressive career in the medical field. Lily also took note of the body language of Asako, since she moved very gracefully.

"Of course," Elizabeth stated. "How long have you worked as a Nanny?" Was the next question. Elizabeth was realizing the woman was almost over qualified. "And what about being a nanny do you enjoy?"

Part of Elizabeth's concern was the person who took the position would use it as a stepping stone, in their career and then be gone the moment another position became available.

Elizabeth wanted to make sure whoever was hired put the children first but truly enjoyed what they did.

Pausing to think of an accurate answer. " Nanny and or Governess from the age of 15. I am now in my thirties. I started with Mōri Takachika Duke or Lord of Chōshū Domain." Elizabeth had heard this name from Sung and the pronunciation was the same. " I started at the age of 12 serving that family but was not a nanny or help take care of the children in the Mōri Takachika house."

Knowing that the languages listed on her paperwork were Korean, Chinese, English, Japanese, Dutch, and French. "After that many ambassadors for Japan, Britain, and France and their families in the embassies. The French ambassador's children were in Britain. When he was there as Ambassador for France to Britain." answered Sako confidently almost proud of her accomplishments.

Sako switched to French to answer the next part knowing that the children only spoke French and some English words. "I like working with the children because I get to watch them grow teaching them how to live in this world seeing them when happy and sad. The relationship you build with them will last a lifetime. showing them they are loved not only by their parents but by someone that will stand with them no matter what." answered Sako in French she did speak with a Japanese and British accent but understandable. "forgive me Lady Elizabeth. My French is good but still perfecting it," Sako apologized.

"I do think your command on the French language is quite good." Elizabeth complimented the woman. "How long term are you looking for this position to be?" Elizabeth was really curious about this answer given Sako's extensive background. "And just to be clear, you do understand this is a live-in, full time position?"

Lily noted the skills of Asako and her experiences as a nanny and translator. She was very impressed by her but was very curious as to why Asako was so graceful while being a nanny. Was she a dancer in her spare time was was there a bigger secret she was hiding?

"I am a woman of honor I say until I am released or not needed by the kids. This type of job is always long-term. Most if not all my employments have been live in. I am not a stranger to that." She answered in English Sako's words were very sincere.

Elizabeth nodded, her answer seemed to fit the woman. "As you are aware the children have and are currently going through a great deal in their lives. How discipline is handled is extremely important, not just know proper methods but also when to and not to administer it. When and how would you administer discipline?"

"Through love, what they need is stability. Some routine back in their lives." Sako lingered for a moment. " I have dealt with children who have seen war and its violence and horrors of war. they may never forget it but you can let them work through it. You redirect them in the right path to take. But with children it is sometimes hard for them to see the right path. So when they fall you gently pick them up ask them to try again." Sako was not sure if that was the right answer. She knew that was the truth that Sako explained to Lady Elizabeth. "In the end, you discipline children through redirection and correction, not punish them.

Elizabeth did not let it show but that response was excatly what she was looking for. She then turned to Lily. "Miss Lavigne did you have any questions you would like to ask, Nanny Asako?"

Lily was jotting her notes quickly since she had a lot of answers to write down as well as the body movements she gave off. Oddly enough Asako reminded her of a swan in a calm pond as she moved so gracefully. Once she was asked to chime in she looked up and asked, "Will you require a bodyguard when running errands outside the house or an assistant for keeping up with the children?" Lily was curious if there was more to Asako's movements.

Sako paused at the question and seemed surprised at it. "Are the children in danger right now?" Sako asked the question innocently. "I can handle myself with any ruffian I think all Nannys should know how to beat one up with her umbrellas or a handbag with a brick is good too," explained Sako with a playful smile. To the average ear that sounded kinda of funny. But to Elizabeth and what Sung has shown her in the past that is a whole other level of pain.

"My team is after some rather dangerous people, we are in the myst of an investigation. The eldest child, Clement, was almost kidnapped, which, is how they came to live with here." Elizabeth had, also, taken notes of the woman's movements. They were familiar, in a sense, yet Elizabeth couldn't be sure until Sako responded to Lily's question. To which Elizabeth gave nod. It seemed as if the Eldren understood the protection level Sako would give the children. Actually, Elizabeth didn’t even question the response, at least not out loud. "Nanny Asako, I will be hiring a tutor for the children, but what will you do to help with their studies?" Elizabeth moved onto another topic.

Sako knew of some of the security risks she knew not to tip her hand to. it was best just to let it go for now. Sako was surprised by Elizabeth's reaction most would laugh at what Sako said. Sako could claim she saw Sung in Lady Elizabeth just for a second. Sako gave a nod of yes "I have worked as a Governess and Nanny where I come from they can be one in the same people. Also, oversee their education. To answer you, Lady Elizabeth yes I will help them in any way I can." Sako answered with a delightful smile.

"Nanny Asako, could you step back inside the waiting area for a moment. I need to discuss a few things with Miss Lavigne. Thank you." Elizabeth said, and escorted Sako to the side door, closing it after the woman exited.

Once Sako left, Elizabeth turned to Lily. "I believe Nanny Asako, is the perfect fit. What are your thoughts on her?"

Lily finished her notes and smiled at Lady Elizabeth. She then smiled as she replied, "If you wish so Lady Elizabeth. She somewhat reminds me of Mr. Sung, though I am not sure if that is a good or bad thing at the moment. However, she does look good on paper." Lily patiently waited to see what Lady Elizabeth would say in response.

"Well, she still has to meet approval from the children's mother and most important the children themselves. I think that's the next step." Elizabeth smiled. "She reminds me a bit of him as well. She's trained in some form of Marshal Arts, I cannot be sure if the same as what Mr. Sung has taught me but I recognized it, in her movements and the comments about using her umbrella or a brick in her handbag, they are techniques I have been shown."

The Eldren thought for a moment, "I will give her a trial period, if she makes it past round two. If she does as well as I expect then she will be made permanent."

Elizabeth went to the hallway, she spotted Harold. "Harold can you let Miss Aceline, that we have a possible Nanny and would like them to meet. We will be there in about five minutes. Thank you." Elizabeth knew two of the maids were currently there helping the women. A temporary nurse was starting tomorrow, until a more permanent one could be hired.

Elizabeth closed the door and had Lily buzz Jordan who escorted Sako back into the room.

< Prev : Autopsy Time Next > : Nanny Sako Askao