Into the Estate

Paris, France
May 9, 1889
Ellington Estate
6:20 pm

There was nothing suspicious about the address. As far as Vor could tell, he had been invited by an eccentric upper class who had a plan to perform vigilante justice. While he knew that many of the rich had odd tastes, this definitely took the cake.
Judging by the size of the estate he looked upon now, the woman had to be part of the higher upper class, which only secured her as an oddity in Vor’s mind. Humans especially, he had noticed, tended to embrace the more fantastic elements of their species when given the wealth to pursue them, though Eldren such as Lady Ellington had the time as well to indulge such things.
He was grateful he had remembered his watch this time, looking at the well oiled brass to confirm his own internal clock. Twenty past six, which would have to do. Vor began his approach to the grand building, hoping he wasn’t being sold a dog or walking into the serpent's lair.
After a brisk knock, the door had opened promptly to show a sharply dressed older man. He looked over Vor before speaking in a firm, but respectable tone.

“Good evening sir, might I ask your purpose here?”

Vor gave a respectful nod as he answered.

“Vor’Aster, I was told I would be expected by Lady Ellington.”

The man was quick to bow and allow the Araunda inside at the mention of what he assumed to be the man's employer. He then learned his name was Harvey, being led further down the immaculate halls. Vor couldn’t help feeling something was off already. While the decor did give off the idea that this house was lived in, it had a peculiar order to it. Like it was ready to be left at a moment's notice.
His theory didn’t get much time to fester though, as they came into a parlor.

“Please have a seat, Mr. Sung will keep you company until her Lady’s arrival. Beverage?”

At the short introduction and requesting some water, Harvey was on to his task, Vor barely catching the remarkably swift man turning a corner. He was thus left to meet eyes with the aforementioned Mr. Sung.

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