Summary: I'm just trying to do the right thing...
Cyrus Riddell
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Gender: Male
Age: 28
Group: Telekinesis
Game: The Gifted
AmericanMutant or Human
Cyrus is a telekinetic. He stands out in his control and range of effect. All he needs to do is will an object to move and it does. He's precise enough to pop the wings off of a fly as it buzzes past and concentrated enough to make a car implode on itself. Cyrus can also achieve fully unaided flight, rocketing into the air as fast as he can think to propel himself. If Cyrus is trying to split his focus between multiple objects, he can become fatigued to the point of falling unconscious. The brain is as much of a muscle as the bicep and it's equally capable of tearing. Cyrus can generate a forcefield around himself, thinner than paper but impervious to impact damage. This is not something he can do continuously or while using his abilities on other things. While Cyrus is extremely fluent with his telekinesis, he's not a multitasker. Cyrus is strongest with his abilities after consuming stimulant drugs, particularly nicotine. However, withdrawals from stimulants can weaken him indefinitely. Imagine if Popeye smoked Newports instead of eating Spinach. Speaking of eating, Cyrus also has to consume at least 3,000 calories a day to use his abilities frequently, and over 4,000 if he intends on flying extended periods of time. No food, no fly.Job/Occupation(not required)
Mercenary.Physical Appearance
Height: 6'3"Weight: 205lbs
Hair: Chestnut
Eyes: Blue
Cyrus is a walking comedy routine with the bravado of a 1990's Action Hero. He loves cracking jokes, he rarely takes things seriously, and you can't help but love him for it. Cyrus is loyal to a fault, and he possesses a strong moral character. Cyrus would never do anything to hurt another person unless he believed it was necessary.Backstory
Cyrus grew up in rural Kentucky on a tobacco farm. His childhood was rather uneventful, but he did lose his mother to breast cancer when he was 15. At age 18, he enlisted in the U.S. Army Infantry and was later assigned to a Special Forces unit where he met Lt. Nick Gilbert. They worked together for 2 years and became very close, and then the Rupture happened. About a year later, Cyrus had developed mutant abilities, and Nick was already working for the E.A.S.T. division of Halcyon Aegis. Nick recruited Cyrus, and with the resources at their disposal, Cyrus was able to hone his abilities beyond that of any other telekinetic. Cyrus was eventually promoted to a team leader, and commissioned as an officer. Then he was given an order he had to refuse and it all came crashing down...This character is owned by:
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Mentioned in the post OOC - discord link Sep 8, 2024, 11:53pm
Mentioned in the post The Bad News Coming (JP) Aug 26, 2024, 10:57pm
Mentioned in the post Returning To The Safety Of Home (JP) Aug 17, 2024, 4:18pm
Mentioned in the post Sisterly Arguments (JP) Aug 17, 2024, 4:18pm
Mentioned in the post Agreements Are Difficult To Come By (JP) Aug 17, 2024, 4:17pm
Mentioned in the post Blast Off Like Superman (JP) Aug 17, 2024, 4:16pm
Mentioned in the post Don't Anger A Necromancer (JP) Aug 17, 2024, 4:15pm
Mentioned in the post The Ride (JP) Aug 17, 2024, 4:14pm
Mentioned in the post The Complaints Of Walking (JP) Aug 17, 2024, 4:13pm
Mentioned in the post Overlords Aug 4, 2024, 10:37pm
Updated character profile Aug 1, 2024, 2:33pm
Updated character profile Jul 19, 2024, 8:00pm
Updated character profile Jun 30, 2024, 6:14pm