Showing posts 1 - 15 of 276


Jul 26, 2024, 1:27am by Morphy514

6 Years ago - October Kyra stared down at the makeshift grave beneath the oak tree, rain pouring down on her wild and out of control curly hair. Even with the hood of her black jacket up, ...

Great Power, Great Responsibility (Flashback)

Jul 25, 2024, 9:11pm by OhManMyBad

Cyrus was deep asleep. He had virtually no awareness of the outside world in this meta induced slumber. His eyes darted back and forth as he began to dream. His mind took him back.... ...

Drag The Soldier

Jul 25, 2024, 5:27pm by Morphy514

(Joint Post Between Morphy and BiscuitDeity) Kyra stretched and popped her back before looking over the bullet. “Why don't we head over to see how that guy is then?” She asked with a ...

Take Me To Your Leader

Jul 24, 2024, 8:17pm by Lorem

Mayberry Homestead - Wyoming Joint Post Ben shuffled a few steps back as the lights unexpectedly shut off. “Shit.” He exclaimed in surprise. Both Cyrus and his eyes were quick ...

Bluff or Fold

Jul 24, 2024, 8:16pm by Lorem

Mayberry Homestead - Wyoming Joint Post Cyrus cautiously took the water canteen and nuts. He immediately started gulping down some of the water. Mushroom water made this stuff tas ...

The Welcoming Commitee

Jul 24, 2024, 8:14pm by Lorem

Mayberry Homestead - Wyoming Joint Post Tessa made brief eye contact with Ben and grimaced. The man bathed in lights didn’t seem flustered at all, which meant he was either a fo ...

Too Late for Visitors

Jul 24, 2024, 8:13pm by Lorem

Mayberry Homestead - Wyoming Joint Post As Cyrus approached the house he heard a loud thump, then suddenly the front lawn was brighter than mid day. Motion light flashed on from d ...

Someone on the inside

Jul 23, 2024, 11:02pm by BiscuitDiety

*Lydia* Lydia leaned over, bracing her hands on her knees as she struggled to catch her breath. A mischievous grin spread across her face as she looked at her friend and the unconscious m ...

Those Aren’t My Feet

Jul 22, 2024, 3:58pm by Lorem

Underground Mutant Community - Beneath Mayberry Homestead As Finlay lay in the quiet confines of his medical room, the weight of his newfound abilities bore heavily upon his mind. ...

Slight Detour in the Plan

Jul 21, 2024, 10:04pm by Lorem

Owl’s Creek - Wyoming Joint Post Perrine gratefully accepted the meat she offered and savored it. The look on his face as he ate was enough affirmation to make any chef proud o ...

Concern Around the Campfire

Jul 21, 2024, 10:03pm by Lorem

Owl’s Creek - Wyoming Joint Post After reclaiming his crowbar, Perrine, Peekaboo, and Gabriel’s murder of crows escort made their trek carefully back through the forest. It w ...

A Strange Visitor

Jul 21, 2024, 4:17pm by OhManMyBad

It had been a couple hours since Cyrus left his new friend in the woods. As he rumbled down the highway he wondered if he really just got that lucky or if he was walking into some kind of tr ...


Jul 21, 2024, 10:53am by Lorem

Owl Creek - Wyoming Cyrus stepped forward slightly, trying to get a better view of the man in the treeline. "I doubt they're expecting me at all. Came to warn 'em of trouble headed ...

Asking For Directions

Jul 21, 2024, 10:51am by Lorem

Owl Creek - Wyoming Cyrus shook his head in bewilderment. Was he having a stroke? Was that guy? Cyrus did not know, but he did know that, despite all known laws of reality, he unde ...

Lesson in Fungi

Jul 21, 2024, 10:49am by Lorem

Owl Creek - Wyoming Perrine appreciated that the telekinetic didn’t try and lie. Then again, a telekinetic didn’t really need to. If any situation boiled down to the use of for ...

Showing posts 1 - 15 of 276