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View character profile for: Dr. Thomas Wayne Rideout
Crossroads Demon (JP)
Evie's mind was fighting the fogginess within it as she lied there in her bed, strapped down at her wrists and ankles to keep her from fighting when they would add another injection of the horrible medicine. Part of her knew she would suffer a great amount of withdrawals if she ever got free of this wretched place, but for now she could only hope they would forget a dose.
As always, she attempted to sit up, attempted to do something other than just lie and wait. Sadly, the restraints kept her from doing more than lifting her head off the pillow about a millimeter. Not much.
Turning her head, she blinked a few times as the world began to focus and form around her. The door was closed, but she could see Kalahan's head through the small window. He was doing his job, keeping watch. She could easily imagine the disdainful expression on his face at having to stand there and watch her.
So, when she saw his head turn and an expression of surprise form on his face, she felt great confusion. A cold sensation formed in the pit of her stomach. What could it be that was making even Kalahan uncomfortable?
Thomas and Hayden made their way toward the containment chamber, as they did so the soldier on guard snapped to attention and offered a salute to the senior man. "As you were soldier." Thomas responded. He didn't know the man, and frankly he didn't care to. The soldier knew him though. Few people in the organization didn't. Dr. Thomas Wayne Rideout was a celebrity *before* everything went to shit, and now... now he was a celebrity with power. In fact, Dr. Rideout was considered by most to be the closest friend and advisor of Senator Julius Maddox. Maddox literally owned E.A.S.T., and soon enough he would own the country.
"She's been restrained due to the escape attempt. We have her on a regular dosage of Rohypnol, it seems to be the only thing she can't overpower." Dr. Venderson reported to his superior. Thomas approached the window and looked inside, "So you strap her to a hospital cot and pump her full of drugs, then wonder why she wants to get away from you." Thomas replied coldly. One might be fooled into thinking he had an actual, human concern for the girl. In reality, he was critiquing their problem management strategy.
"Soldier, open the door, then go in there and release her straps. I would like to have a conversation." Thomas ordered.
The soldier went wide eyed, hesitating to carry out his directive. Before Thomas could reprimand the guard, Hayden spoke up once again, "Sir, she is extremely dangerous we certainly can't risk her escape again. I must advise aga-"
"Open the door." Thomas interjected. His expression completely devoid of concern or any other emotion for that matter. The guard reluctantly entered the code to the door. The light turned green and the door hissed open. Thomas then walked into the cell and sat down next to the girl. She wasn't frightened... no, she was curious. The girl looked at Rideout the way he looked at his patients: a puzzle to be solved. "Good afternoon Evelyn. My name is Thomas, would you like us to remove your restraints?"
A part of Evie wondered if this man – Thomas – was a fool. Who wouldn't want to be let free? Who wouldn't want these blasted restraints removed? It took a moment to contemplate an answer. Her mind was still fighting through the annoying fog that medication gave her, but it was fading.
With a glance toward the door, she saw Kalahan watching, Hayden with him. Both had curious expressions on their faces, but it was mixed in with fear. No one wanted a fully awake Evelyn Ivanov on their hands in this place. That could mean a disaster, failures and so much more. It would be like five years ago when she'd gone out of control and almost made it out.
That was five years ago, though. She was older and in more control of herself now. That hadn't stopped her from trying multiple times to run. No, she was a stubborn girl.
“Yes,” She finally answered after a long silence. It was strange to hear her own voice after all this time – having no one to speak to meant there wasn't much to talk about. She'd sooner jump into a pit of snakes than talk to Kalahan about anything and the nice doctor never really did much other than patch up her wounds and send her to bed.
She knew she was alone.
So why was Thomas here?
Thomas looked to the soldier and nodded. The soldier was still hesitating to do as he was told. This irritated Thomas. "Dr. Venderson, undo these restraints since your guard here seems to be unwilling." This time, there was a hint of emotion when Thomas spoke.
Hayden did as he was instructed, removing each of her restraints one by one until she was completely free. "Thank you Doctor. Does that feel better Evelyn?" Thomas asked.
Once all the restraints were off, Evie slowly sat up and rubbed at her wrists before turning in place and facing Thomas fully. "Yes," She said again, feeling a bit like a broken record already. What did this man want? Why was he being so...she couldn't put a proper word on it, but nice didn't seem to go with this man's demeanor. The way he spoke to Kalahan and Hayden told her that already.
"What do you want?" She asked briskly. "No one..." Clearing her throat a moment, she brushed her silver hair out of her face, which was already developing a few sparks in it. A natural side effect of her power that she, sadly, had no true control over. "They don't let me free."
"That's because they're scared you're going to hurt them. Are you?" Thomas replied.
Evie tilted her head, eyebrows pinching together. "Just him." She pointed toward Kalahan to see what this Thomas would think of her answer.
Thomas turned toward the soldier, his face unamused. He let out a slight huff, "Hmm..." Thomas pulled out a small syringe from his jacket pocket, and showed it to her. "This syringe has a special cocktail of epinephrine and naxolone, if you allow me to inject this in your thigh, the medications they've had you on will immediately lose their effects and the adrenaline will restore your abilities. Then, you can hurt him." Thomas spoke in Russian, disguising his words from the soldier and Dr. Venderson
The use of a different language caused both Kalahan and Hayden to share a look. What was he telling Evelyn?
"Why would you let me do that?" Evie inquired, also speaking in her native tongue. Not many spoke to her in Russian simply because they didn't understand the language. It meant she'd gotten away with calling some people quite a few choice words...
"Because I want to watch." Thomas gently waved the syringe back and forth. "Do we have a deal?"