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View character profile for: Max Crowley aka Crow

View character profile for: Emma

View character profile for: Rook
"She's right anything that hasn't been picked over yet probably it's going to get destroyed in the storm" Rook replied with a shrug before setting up a camping stove "either of you hungry I got plenty of food and the storm's not going to be letting up anytime soon."
Crow shrugged as he saw it was pointless to push the topic of collecting anything from the wreckage. He wished he could at least bury his teammates but by now they were food for the beasts. This did make him sad but his sad expression was hidden behind his bird like plague mask. He replied, "Glad you do have a food stock pile for later on. I'm good for now since I ate on the plane before we crashed. But before we get to that can you fill me in on how trading is done in these parts, what is good to trade and who we need to be wary of?" Crow was hoping to avoid as much trouble as possible.
"She's right anything that hasn't been picked over yet probably it's going to get destroyed in the storm" Rook replied with a shrug before setting up a camping stove "either of you hungry I got plenty of food and the storm's not going to be letting up anytime soon."
Crow shrugged as he saw it was pointless to push the topic of collecting anything from the wreckage. He wished he could at least bury his teammates but by now they were food for the beasts. This did make him sad but his sad expression was hidden behind his bird like plague mask. He replied, "Glad you do have a food stock pile for later on. I'm good for now since I ate on the plane before we crashed. But before we get to that can you fill me in on how trading is done in these parts, what is good to trade and who we need to be wary of?" Crow was hoping to avoid as much trouble as possible.
Emma looked at Crow before nodding in agreement with him. She had to agree that it would be smart to avoid trouble, but she also knew that fights were an inevitability in a world like this. “I agree with him,” She commented, gesturing to her current travel companion. “Every place is different and, well, I’ve not got too good a memory.” She couldn’t recall anything beyond the past year, after all! “Please, get us up to speed, would you?”
Rook paused for a moment thinking over their questions as he prepared a make shift dinner.
"There's various settlements dotting the area most operate on a bartering system now. You might have some luck if you've got currency with some of the larger settlements though don't expect to get much bang for your buck better off burning paper money for fuel or trading in coins for the precious metals. If you got scrap metal or electronics There are plenty of people who will buy it, food medical are also popular, purified water will get you a pretty penny, and lastly you got your top contenders such as military grade bullets and artifacts from the zone itself."
Taking the pot of soup he set it on the fire to cook before continuing to speak. "There's also the matter of factions a lot has changed over the years in while you still have some lone wolves most people tend to group together nowadays. You've got loners who are your typical stalkers who have banded together because they don't want to submit to a central authority so they're mostly loosely based, there's of course mercenaries, government scientists, military, my order, and of course the variety of bandits that roam the land just to name a few."