Showing posts 16 - 30 of 48

Broken Arrow II

Dec 29, 2024, 4:29pm by Jaxx

She turned back to Oliver. "Orime left Lucious in charge. Lucious won't stand in your way go see him. Maybe ask him what Wayne Enterprises can do for your financial situation." Oli ...

Crime is falling

Dec 29, 2024, 1:32pm by Vasara Glyndark

"Good to see you, Oliver. As for your prosthetic. The day Bruce...he was going to inspect it and if he found it acceptable he would have called you about it. With Orime in charge now who kno ...

A Tearful Reunion

Dec 27, 2024, 9:19pm by Jaxx

Alfred answered the door. "Good day. Mr. Queen. Please come in." Alfred stepped to the side to let Oliver in. "Dick is packing. Barbara is in the basement with some well-informed visitors ...

Message was sent but not understood

Dec 27, 2024, 1:52pm by Vasara Glyndark

Orime spent all day in meetings with department heads. While eating lunch at her desk she got a call from Kate. "I'll inform Lucious to ensure the funding remains in tact." The next day O ...

A Broken Arrow

Dec 27, 2024, 1:21pm by Jaxx

It was another restless night for Oliver Green. It was hard enough getting old, but the wear and tear on his body was taking its toll on him. The loss of his left arm was also life changing ...


Dec 26, 2024, 1:39pm by Jaxx

While the others were doing their own thing, Agent Orange was training with Carrie and Abby while monitoring their health. They were still adapting to their bodies and their powers so he was ...

Funding issues

Dec 25, 2024, 6:32pm by Vasara Glyndark

The next day Orime was at Wayne Enterprises, she took over Bruce's office. She moved thing around to suit her needs. She boxed up Bruce's personal possessions and had Todd take them to Wayne ...

Similar Minds

Dec 24, 2024, 2:11pm by Jaxx

Dick invited Abigale and Agent Orange to set down and eat. He was upfront about Carrie's questions. "I have no clue what her plans are she spoke of nothing but herself and Bruce, after st ...

Todd the Chauffeur

Dec 8, 2024, 8:38pm by Vasara Glyndark

Dick invited Abigale and Agent Orange to set down and eat. He was upfront about Carrie's questions. "I have no clue what her plans are she spoke of nothing but herself and Bruce, after stati ...

Fear Factor

Dec 8, 2024, 10:44am by Jaxx

At the fancy restaurant Abby was working as a bus girl. To avoid talking to anyone she quietly cleared and cleaned the tables and floor. Agent Orange was disguised as a bus boy who was also ...

Dinner is served

Dec 5, 2024, 12:16am by Vasara Glyndark

Kate took Abigail and Carrie shopping for clothes. That night they all dined at the finest restaurant with Orime. Orime had a special table delivered it was round. Kate introduced everybo ...

Biting The Bullet

Dec 4, 2024, 9:04pm by Jaxx

Carrie was sad by how things were at this moment. She was feeling overwhelmed by her bad health, being officially dead, loosing Bruce, the changes in the Bat Family, her dependence on Agent ...


Dec 3, 2024, 11:00pm by Vasara Glyndark

"This dinner is about Orime. Orime is in control of Wayne Enterprises. Wayne Enterprises provides a good chunk of the funds for all of this and provides most of the technology. We need to ke ...

To Many Choices

Dec 3, 2024, 7:43pm by Jaxx

"I am not sure how comfortable I would be discussing things in front of him of a personal nature. I have no clue what Orime plans she has for this dinner. Could be she just wants to get t ...

More tests

Dec 1, 2024, 4:51pm by Vasara Glyndark

"I am not sure how comfortable I would be discussing things in front of him of a personal nature. I have no clue what Orime plans she has for this dinner. Could be she just wants to get to k ...

Showing posts 16 - 30 of 48