Rallying to the cause... perhaps...

Who: Jay, Mk.7, Seymour, Efof, Benjen and looters (*phew*)
Where: Promenade
When: Just after Jay was saved from the looters who had become an
angry mob
Jack sprinted off, and it wasn't too long before the looters started
to form a circle around Jay, just as he was about to go searching
for Tara and the monster.
"Smeg, haven't we done this already?" said Jay
"Obviously not enough!" shouted some faceless voice from the crowd.
They started to close in on Jay, his countless attempts at resolving
the situation failing hopelessly.
Another shot brought another overhanging sign crashing down, but
this time, it was over a small portion of the mob.
Everyone turned to see Mk.7 standing at the top of the stairs with
Efof, Seymour and Benjen panting behind him, wishing the little
scutter couldn't run up stairs so fast.
Efof had to lean on Seymour because of his blindness, Seymour had to
lean on Benjen for support as his central nervous system slowly shut
down, and Benjen had to press hard on Seymour's shoulders both to
keep him upright, but also to stop the bleeding.
Jay was able to see them over the crowd thanks to the EVE-1 suit.
"I thought you didn't trust me" said Jay
"Meh, I figure if you didn't blow up the planet, someone else would
have" said Mk.7, before jumping on top of the writhing pile of metal
and bodies.
"Alright people," he yelled "We have to band together here. We can't
hold one moment of weakness against this man forever. Sure, he
destroyed our entire planet, but... uh..." Mk.7 paused as he thought
"Well... Ah! He has been trying ever since his return to make it up
to us. Not to mention he is one of our best pilots. So what do you
say? We must put aside our differences and fight against the common
cause. Are you with me!?" said Mk.7, throwing his 'fist' into the
There was a few moments f silence, before the entire crowd yelled,
in unison, "HELL NO!"
"Tough crowd" said Benjen
"Oh well" said Mk.7, before shooting a line in the ground causing
the crowd to back away allowing Jay to move towards the small group
by the staircase. He couldn't help but both cringe and smirk at the
sight of the massive holes in Seymour's shoulders. Not so much
because of the pain he would be in when his senses returned, but
because of how much he will flip out when he realised his suit was
completely ruined from the blood.
"Well, let's go find Tara" said Jay, and they all
walked/hobbled/staggered down the promenade, with the entire crowd
glaring at them, until they realised they could resume looting.

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