Lost part of the familey pt. 2

<snip> Alicia looked at her in curiosity "What do you do for a living?"
Alicia asked. "Im a Weapons Inventor in the Science degree" Alandra
"AAhh, Im a pilot, just like dad" Alicia said with a smile.
"Im sure you are" Alandra said rudeley. Alicia was shocked a little
bit but took it in......
<end snip>
Who: Alandra, and Alicia
Were: Alandra's quarters
When: just after snip
Alandra looked up and smacked herself on the face. "Im so sorry, I was
being rude forgive me" Alandra sighed
Alicia started laughing. "Your so funny Alandra, its ok dont worry
about it, your a different person and I accept that" Alicia said with
a smile
"Wow the first person to actually say that!" Alandra chuckled
"Im your sister" Alicia said with a small sigh
"Thats true, but still" Alandra said with a smile.
"Whatever" Alicia mumbled. Alandra looked at her then shook her head.
"Its called familey power sis" Alandra chuckled
They looked at each other then started bursting out laughing.
Alandra eventually stoped and whipped the tears away from her face.
"Im sorry I should probabley get going, Ive got things to do" Alicia
"Ok, it was nice meeting you, come back whenever" Alandra said with a
"No prob" Alicia called back, "And keep your hands away from my man
too while your at it!" Alandra joked.
Alicia left and Alandra crawled into her bed and eventually fell
asleep tired of the long day.....

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