Lost in Spacial Disturbance

Who: Kevn Fenard & Johnny Goode
Where: A crashed midget on an unknown planet.
When: A few minutes later.
"This planet is surrounded by spacial collapse, a rare phenomenon in
space, take great care in approaching." HIM said.
As the came closer a bolt of electricity hit the engines, "We're hit!
We're hit!" Kevn yelled.
"Mayday Mayday! Blue Dwarf we are going down!" Johnny said into the comm.
"Its useless Johnny! The nebula will prevent any transmission from
going out! Hold on to something its gonna be a rough landing!" Kevn
tightened his belt.
The blue midget was soon imbedded in black rock and sand, they were
now crashed on a planet of unknown location in the middle of a nebula
with their only mother ship moving away from them. It was like any
other day...
"Smeg." Johnny muttered. "Well, I suppose the size of the midget was
an advantage - the Raven would never have made it this far."
"Yeah." Kevn replied. "There were some pretty tight fits."
Johnny started getting the survival kits, while Kevn picked up the
light bee for HIM, which had been deactivated in the crash.
"There's one thing I don't understand, though." Johnny said.
"What on earth was Holly thinking? A surprise bucks party?"
"He isn't getting married, is he?"
"Nope." Johnny replied.
"Well, that makes it more of a surprise then, doesn't it?" Kevn
replied with a grin, making them both laugh.
"What the smeg is that?" Kevn pointed to a couple of large boxes which
were shoved in the corner of the cargo room behind the cockpit.
"I have no idea." Johnny replied, moving closer to check it out. He
didn't have to move far as the cargo space in a blue midget is akin
tho the cargo space in a station wagon or hatchback.
"What the smeg?" Johnny asked. "What on earth is a BMEX?"
"A BMEX?" Kevn queried. "I know - a Blue Midget Explorer! I thought
they stopped making these fifteen years ago!"
"Well, it doesn't surpsrise me that the BD has some really old
equipment." Johnny said, as he and Kevn moved the boxes outside.
Fortunately the weather wasn't too hot outside - it was quite warm,
about 30 degrees celcius, but both were used to working in those
They opened the boxes, and found some intructions. Unfortunately, they
were only in Spanglish, Japanese, Latin, Aramaic and Heiroglyphs.
"Don't worry Johnny, I've put many of these together before. They're
quite simple, really."
And they were. There was the motor, which connected quite easily into
the chassis, and then the simple axle, suspension and wheels fitted
together quite easily. The only thing that took any real time was the
fuel tank and sensors, and the five speed manual racing gearbox.
"I swear, I've never seen one of these gearboxes in these kits
before." Kevn exclaimed. "It's just really lucky I had all my tools on
me to fine tune it."
Kevn placed HIM on the dashboard while Johnny siphoned some of the
Blue Midget's fuel into the two-man BMEX.
"That could be why though." Kevn said.
"That could be why there is a five-speed racing gearbox. They stopped
giving you the normal fuel, and with the Blue Midget fuel you get much
better... performance."
The two got the buggy ready and then Kevn place HIM on the dashboard
and started to give them directions again.

< Prev : Joining in the party Next > : Lost in Spacial Disturbance, the ship