Lost in Spacial Disturbance, the ship

> The two got the buggy ready and then Kevn place HIM on the
> and started to give them directions again.
> <end snip>
Who: Kevn & Johnny
Where: planet in nebula
when: a few minutes later
Kevn drove onwards lead by HIM's directions. Johnny reads the GPS a
green dot is fifty clicks away. Then HIM said, "STOP! Look, the
They looked up and saw a ship, "So this is the thing we went for?"
Kevn said.
"Thats our ticket outta here." Johnny said.
Soon they reached the summit, "This is the Rig." HIM said.
"The Rig? I like the sound of that..." Kevn said.
"Lets get outta here," Johnny said.
Kevn went to the cockpit and started it up. There was a hum from the
engines, "Yeah nice and smooth." Kevn said.
The ship rised from its rocky grave and rocketed into the nebula.
<tag Adam now what?>

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