[JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Tactically Challenged.

Jay clutched his assault rifle to his chest, and peered around the corner of
the wall to which he had his back.
A missle streaked into his periphery then slammed into a large tower block.
He grimaced.
This mission was supposed to a be a hostage rescue mission, not a slaughter,
and although the captain had authorised the use of lethal force the captain
was...well...the captain was a moron.
Jay was no security officer, and unless it involved aerial or space battles
he was no tactician, but what combat trianing he HAD had told him this
mission was going VERY badly. The security grunts had piled out of the Raven
before Jay had even finished lowering the boarding hatch, and everyone else
who had joined, engineers weilding spanners, and even a few of his own
pilots had joined them, guns blazing shooting anything that moved.
Harris had tried to control them, but gave up, and Jay presumed he too had
joined in the fight.
The whole point of a hostage rescue was to bring the hostages back ALIVE.
That was never gonna happen if the rescuers were a bunch of trigger happy
half-wits who had not only made the terrorists greatly aware of their
presence, but also started shooting anything that moved...even those the
were innocent citizens caught in the cross fire.
"This is NOT the way we do business..." he muttered to himself. If the
hostages weren't dead yet, they soon would be.
Someone had to run a stealth mission into the terrorists headquarters and
rescue the hostages before the Welsh did anything to them. The welsh had
only just been convinced not to by threats, nothing more, just threats, that
the dwarf would bomb the planet killing thousands of innocents. It was a
bluff, but now, the Dwarfer's really HAD killed innocents and Jay feared the
There was only one problem. His current entourage comprised of him, a
McDonalds worker who had boarded the wrong shuttle and was armed with
nothing more than a water gun given free in happy meals, and the amnesiac
Phil FeBuggure who was currently holding a venomous snake by the tail and
pointing it head first at Jay asking what it was.
It was gonna be a long day.

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