Vanessa:- New arrivals.

Who:- Vanessa, wounded
Where:- New Wales
When:- During the carnage.
The young holographic nurse dodges yet another round of bullets aimed at her
feet. Although she was a hard light hologram, her instincts still told her
to avoid pain. That and she didn't want any more light bee damage at to
offline for another three years. She dropped to her knees and took out her
medi-kit beside a fallen dwarfer. Placing her fingers to his bloodied neck
she felt no pulse, so snapped off his dog-tag and moved onto the next
wounded crewman. A young woman, no older than Vanessa looked up at her from
the ground, she'd had the lower half of her right leg blown off by a mortar
shell. Vanessa shook her head, wrapped a tourniquet around it and began to
drag the woman by her shoulders back toward the Raven. She was stopped in
her tracks by a landing craft.
One of the Blue Dwarfs own Starbug's, in fact, it was the medical starbug
owned by the medi-bay.
"Thank god!" She yelled above the whining of the engines. She lowered the
injured woman to the ground and ran across to the 'Bug "I need a stretcher,
this woman needs treatment straight away!"
The hatch lowered and out stepped Doctor Keto, his weapons glistening.
"OH deal with it yourself Chrysler" Keto announced
"What? You're the Doctor!"
"Yes, but I'm not here to help the idiotic members of our crew, we're here
to help THEM!" He pointed at a group of armed Welsh people, running for
cover in a nearby building.
"You're an asshole." said Vanessa "Has anyone ever told you that?"
"It was my mothers pet name for me" Keto replied. "Now move..."

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