Operation:- Rescue......again

Who:- Jay, and the more senior of the landing party
Where:- New Wales Command Tent
When:- 2 day's after Jack and Chris's capture.
The rain battered down on Jay as he ran toward the command tent. He was
clutching some large rolls of paper under one arm and was struggling to keep
them dry. He burst into the tent where Trisee's, Phil, Johnny, and
Throwing anything that wasn;t attached to it off the table in the centre of
the tent he unrolled one of the rolls of paper. It was a map of the city,
the other rolls he placed on the floor were plans of the base where Jack and
Chris were being held.
"Oh goody" Trisee's muttered "Chrysler's been doodling.."
Jay dismissed it, and began speaking.
"I've spent the last 12 hours scouting the area and making these" he said
"This time around, the rescue mission is going to go smoothly, no gung-ho"
Everyone nodded their acknowledgment, except Trisee's who sneered loathingly
at a chair and Phil. Who was trying to remember where he'd left his feet.
"This time we split into two teams. I'll lead group one. Group two, as much
as it pains me to say, in Phil's condition, the next most qualified person
to lead a rescue team is Trisee's." Jay continued "This time around we have
all the information we need so theres no excuse to balls this up"
"information!" spluttered Trisee's "All we have are a few of your scribbles
that frankly, a 3 year ld could have done with an etch-a-sketch!"
"Fine" said Jay "Don't trust maps produced by the head of navigation, and
the most qualified cartogropher on the ship"
"Is that supposed to be impressive?" Trisee's replied "A primary school
geography student would be more qualified than anyone in your department!"
"Whatever" Jay replied "But do you have any better ideas?"
"Yes." Trisees said, matter of factly "Leave them behind, let them sort out
their own messes"
"You should know by now that that's not how we do things around here Larry"
Trisee's twitched at the name, "It may not be how YOU do things, fly-boy but
I do things however I see fit."
He turned to start walking out of the tent, and heading toward the midget he
had flwon down here.
Jay tapped a button on his portable navi-computer and watched gleefully as
the battered Midget exploded.
"Like I said" said Jay "I'm the head of navigation...I can access the
mainframe of every Blue Dwarf registered utility craft by remote."
"You cant self destruct every ship" Trisee's said, strolling unfazed toward
a medical Starbug.
"No.." Jay replied "But I can set them all on lockdown so that only the
navi-crew can acces them." The headlights flash on the medical shuttle and
the alarm beeped twice, Trisee's heard the clunking of the central locking
setting in place.
"In short Larry." Jay said "You don't ever leave this planet til Jack and
Chris are safely back among us.."

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