Re: Operation:- Rescue......again

Who: Jay, Trisees, Phil, Lustbader<snip>> "In short Larry." Jay said "You don't ever leave this planet til Jack and> Chris are safely back among us.."<end snip>  Trisees stood still staring at the now locked Medical Starbug, the frown heavy set on his face and showing no signs of moving.  The rain hit him viciously in the face and torso as he stood silently looking at his now evaporated means of escape.  Contemplating all possible ways of inflicting as much pain on the nearby blue dwarfers as possible, as he heard a chuckle from Chrysler behind him.  He turned around and folded his arms.  This wasn't the first time he'd been forced to do things he didn't want to do by the crew.  He could vaguely recall an accident with the entire blue dwarf falling into a large sea on a planet and the captain ordering him to get it afloat again.  His mind still felt pretty mashed - he couldn't remember certain things but he could remember others.  Something about losing legs, ears and an arm.  Something about Shakespeare and Coffey sacrificing their lives to save his.  Something about Jennifer Wildflower resuing him from the future.  Something about Charlie Edwards locking him in the brig.  Something about helping a boy stop some bug like creatures.  Nothing really tangible stuck and he needed to get to the Medibay to sort it out - there were most likely drugs there that could assist.  He suddenly felt a pang of guilt at leaving Keto alone, bleeding and possibly dying.  He was the only one on the ship that had welcomed him and befriended him.  But that ridiculous daughter of that ridiculous nurse, she'd gotten him angry and there had been no need.  NO need.  He clenched his fist and felt a surge of anger overtake the guilt. He wanted to break her jaw like he'd done to Wildflower.  The feeling soon subsided as Chrysler spoke his name again.  "So Larry, I guess you only have the one choice, help us."  "I guess I do," replied Trisees.  He scowled and walked towards Chrysler's makeshift documents again.  He did only have one choice.  Help out, or be left on this planet to die and rot.  He was almost enamoured with the latter option, if it meant the end result was never having to deal with the crew again.  He just needed to get back to the ship, get his head sorted, and then steal a ship.  He needed to get back to S.A.E.C., he needed to find Sarah Alexander and he needed to talk to his instructor, Dr. Elmers.  He needed to do a lot of things, and the first one (unfortunately he thought) was to talk to Chrysler.  "So which unfortunate messes do I get on my team?  Which one do I go after? And what help do I get?"<Tag>

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