"What time is it?"

Who: Kevn Fenard, Him, and Rico Marinezz
where: sleeping quarters
when: Kevn was still asleep
Kevn heavily snored as he dreamed his silly dreams. He was dreaming
about space oddly enough. Not anything special, just space...
Kevn was then was awakened by the sound of space boots. Rico
entered with Him nipping at his heels. "I still say Maria Sheropova
is a better choice." Him said then noticed Kevn lying on the
bunk, "Oh sorry mate. Where the heck have you been?"
"Oh you know the usual... Enter a bookshop, fall down a vent,
nearly get lost in the cargo decks, found a robot town, discovered a
new species of maulung squirrels... the usual..." Kevn took another
swig out of the wine bottle.
"Sounds like you kept yourself busy..." Rico said sitting down on a
nearby chair.
Kevn gave him a sour look. KN48 appeared and beeped a little
greeting. "Hey, where did you find this little thing?" Him said.
Kevn didn't answer, he had somehow fallen back to sleep. "He needs
to get get out more... or he'll become one of those wankers that
gets mashed every other night..." Rico paused, "Wait doesn't he do
that already?"
Kevn opened his eyes and got up out of the bunk, "I need to find
Peter and see if he talked to Calvert..."
Kevn left the room and started to look for Peter.
<tag Peter>

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