semi-action for the Japan-bound group.

Who: Jack, Eric Lustbader, Trisees, Matt Lister, Alandra Alkiera, John
Smith, and Alicia Bevair.
Where: On a French painted Starbug, headed for New-Japan.
When: roughly the same time everyone else got somewhere.
"So... you're saying it's called kotoatarashii mizuhonokuni?" said
Jack, butchering the Japanese language like a 12 year old butchers
french when they first hear it at school.
"Yeah, it means 'The New Land of Abundant Rice' i think" Eric said,
laughing. "why couldn't they just call it 'New japan' like everyone
else has around here?" he asked.
Trisees turned to him, "why don't you just shut up. the quieter you
are, the less of a headache i get." he said, sitting in the corner,
wondering why he was put below Jack.
"Calm it Trisees, just fly this thing." Jack said, looking at a screen
full of japanese text. "how the hell do they read this stuff?"
Jack was thrown from his seat, as a small ship appeared in front of them.
"hanmei gojishin!" came the sound of slightly high pitched voices
through the radio.
"the hell?" they all said, until holly appeared on the screen. 'they
said 'identify yourself' guys, and from what i can see, thats a
battlecruiser." he said, disappearing from the screen once again.
Jack looked at it, "but its smaller than a blue midget!" he said,
looking down at the radar screen. The Japanese pilot spouted forth
more incomprehensible Japanese, so Holly once again appeared, and was
able to translate it.
"stand down, or we'll open fire. i think he said, though i'm not too
sure..." Holly said, not sounding too worried though.
"tell them we come in peace!" Jack said, as Holly nodded, and said
something in japanese, "shinu jisanai!"
Unfortunately, Holly has never been known for his intelligence, and
had actually said 'prepare to die'.
Trisees had been hovering the ship, matching course and speed (a nice
drift) with the Japanese battlecruiser, and hadn't noticed the beam of
light flying towards them.
"woah! that thing just grew!" John smith shouted, stating the
seemingly obvious, as the Japanese battlecruiser did indeed appear to
grow to about 10 times its original size. Unfortunately, the planet
below increased in size too.
"No you idiot" Trisees began, "we've been shrunk." he said, putting in
some expert flying, to evade the large net that the battlecruiser had
"take us down to the planet, they'll never find us!" Jack said, as
Trisees spun the ship around, and sent them flying to the ground as
fast as they could.
As they entered the atmosphere, an automatically transmitted message
burst through their speakers, almost deafening them all. Luckily this
was translated into english for them.
"This is boushuku. Surrender one hundred billion Nu-Yen, or be shrunk
"was that aimed at us?" Alandra asked, as John checked the audio
"no, that was transmitted to every planet in the new-terran sector..."
he said, "and i think it went further..."
"We have to stop him!" Jack said, knowing that with everything in the
sector shrunk, anyone would be able to destroy earth, even easier than
the Hymenoptera had first time round.
<tag group, we need to stop this despot! remember that we're all only
20cm high, so have some fun with it!! and as a warning, i may not be
so frequent in posting for the next week.. not that i am anyway...
i'll try to post though!>

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