<Insert generic Nazi pun here>

Who: Mk.9, Efof, Jed, pilots and turret repair man
Where: All over the joint
When: After discovery of Nazi ships
Mk.9 uploaded target data for all the Nazi ships and send it to the
Space Eagles in the hangar.
"Ok guys, go out there and take out a few of them, but leave most of
them to me. You lot have to look for the ship controlling them all."
said Mk.9 into the small microphone sitting on his console.
The pilots turned from the tannoy after hearing the message and
started up their engines, before racing off into the black abyss.
The Nazi ships were very blocky and coloured gunmetal grey, and were
clearly very heavily armoured. The Space Eagles teamed up on two of
the ships which, after a few volleys of laser and missile fire,
exploded in various hues of purple and red.
"Mk.9," came the voice of one of the pilots. "We're detecting a large
power source a bit further out. It seems to be lurking in the debris
field of that moon you blew up earlier."
"Copy that, twat it as best you can. I'll hold off these fighters"
replied Mk.9.
The Space Eagles broke off from the remaining five Nazi ships and
headed into the debris field.
"Are you guys ready on the turrets?" Mk.9 asked over the comm systems.
Replies of "yes" and "aye" came back, with only the occasional
worrying "huh? and "we're shooting what now?".
"Ok, I have control of the two primary forward cannons, you guys just
take care of any incoming missiles." said Mk.9, closing the comm channel.
As soon as the enemy ships came within range, a wave of shots came
from the Blue Dwarf. Two ships were taken out instantly, but not
before they had launched several high-velocity thermonuclear missiles
at the Blue Dwarf.
Naturally, the people manning the turrets had not paid any attention
to Mk.9 and couldn't care less about the missiles.
Mk.9 sighed and turned his two turrets at the missiles.
He pulled the fire trigger, but nothing happened.
"Efof, get the boys down in maintenance to give me a status report on
the primary turrets ASAP, we have 3 incoming nukes."
Efof hurriedly grabbed the phone and did as he was told.
"I'll patch him through to your console" Efof said
A face flickered onto Mk.9's screen.
"Hi, this is maintenance officer Joseph Gettskilled. There's a jam in
the system. To clear it, someone would have to enter the firing
chamber and manually free the round. But thy system is set up so that
the round is fired as soon as it enters the chamber."
"Look, we need that turret workin' NOW!" replied Mk.9
Joseph took a deep breath.
"Ok, time to be a hero." he murmured to himself.
He very quickly got into his space suit, jumped out of the airlock,
and entered the turret barrel. Bracing himself, he dislodged the
round, and it clicked smoothly into place in the firing chamber.
Joseph clenched his eyes shut, but nothing happened. He hurriedly
climbed out of the barrel and stood on the surface of the ship next to
the turret.
He shook his fist in the air in victory, yelling "YEAH! I DID IT!"
The turret swung around to aim at the missiles and sliced him in half.
Mk.9 pulled the trigger and blew up the closest missile, the blast of
which took out the other two.
"Mk.9 to Space Eagles. Make it snappy will ya. Things are getting too
close for comfort here."
<tag guys>

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