Possibilities With Interest

Who: Barf Chucksome
Where: Blue Dwarf hallways
When: After leaving the bar fight
This fiend must have been a few crutons short of a Toss Salad (which is a usual
species to encounter within the business of mining, especially within Barf's
because Barf knew there were few species that could carry a piece of dangerous
equipment that was as heavy as this freak was carrying. As Barf was running, he
suddenly remembered seeing a security gaurd back at the bar. She seemed just as
out of place as he was, so it must have been her first day on the job. That
just made
things peachy, and that's the kind of peachy that is served with too much sugar.
was so good at his job that he could be on the bad side of a security gaurd the
he steps in a bar. . . yeah, right. A good job would have not attracted so much
Anyway, the fiend was fast, but Barf was still able to keep up with him at a
These kind of freaks always do the same thing, they always think they could out
run or
out wit Barf. He even knew what this freak would do next, as soon as he
realizes he
can't out run Barf. The freak would stop running and hide in a turn corner.
Just as he
predicted, the fiend turned the corner. Barf's sixth sense is just that, a
sense, and it
works better than heat seeking missiles. As long as the freak held onto that
there was no way he could ever escape Barf. As soon as Barf was close enough,
sneaked close to the wall and close to the corner adjacent to the corner his
prey was
hiding. Just as Barf was bending down, a possibility entered his mind: What if
security gaurd followed him? Unfortunately, his sixth sense did have it's
Possibilities were only apart of his imagination, which had a 50/50 chance at
real. He could only sense dangers that were detramental on a whole, but when it
to small dangers to himself or dangers that hindered the chance of preventing
whole danger, it was like a ham sandwhich without the ham. Oh well, Barf would
with that possibility if and when it came to be.
Right now, it was time for action. Barf then reached around the corner, grabbed
freak's leg, and swung him against the wall. Before the fiend could recover,
showed him why knees should never be apart of anyone's diet, and then he took
arm and threw him against the other wall. The final blow was always a punch in
face, which always feels good to Barf's fist. As soon as he was done disabling
freak, Barf got a good look at him: he was no Toss Salad, he was an Eggplant.
Eggplant's were cool, just like some Toss Salad, but they're the worst kind of
when they are baddies. Whatever ship this was, Barf had the feeling that Blue
was no place for a vacation. Of course, it could be just him, there may be no
rest for
someone who is in Danger Management.

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