A Few Cards Short of a Full Deck

Who: Keto, Wildflower, Vanessa, KatrinaWhere: The Bat AmbulanceWhen: Just after MP had left to 'treat' Seymour'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Keto hung his head. It couldn't get any worse, he was stuck here on this god forsaken ship with a Chrysler and a Chrysler wannabe. Now he would shortly have to deal with Nipples and the prospect of this didn't exactly fill him with glee. He ran one hand through his hair in an attempt at something other than the overwhelming urge to purge the entire ship of annoying people. "It couldn't be any worse. At least none of my other blasted staff are here." He said coldly to himself. Keto was wrong. It could get worse, and it was about to get very much worse.Wildflower bounced into the command deck where Keto was and walked over to him smiling happily. The room descended into utter silence. Cold silence that only happened when your worst enemy walks into the room. "Hi Mister C!" She breezed. Keto cringed and kept facing the view screen."Go away Wildflower." He said, words failing him when it came to Jennifer, missing totally the fact she had called him 'Mister C' not Charlie as she usually did. "I heard that you were on a ship that was having a batman costume party. So I thought I'd come along. I knew you wouldn't have dressed up. Look at me! I looked on Google for some characters and these two seemed funny." It was at this point that against his better judgement that Keto looked around. He was greeted with the sight of Wildflower dressed up in a full red and black court jesters costume, complete with white face paint and black lipstick. "What in the name of the seven hells are you dressed as?" He asked, mild surprise in his voice almost masked by the anger."I'm Harley Quinn!" She laughed and before he could protest she put a mask on Keto's face, the elastic snapping on the back of his head and causing him to growl deeply. "I thought you could be the Joker!.... You look good puddin'"
                                                                                     <Tag Keto!>

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