Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.

Who: RufusWhere: Lab R766When: During the parties.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It hadn't taken Rufus long to get his lab back into a working state again, he had re-aligned all of the sensors, actuated the quasi-sonic modulators and calibrated the cosmic ray enhancer. All in all, not bad for a days work. Of course, he had managed to secure a larger lab since the trouble with the reassignments. Rufus had become somewhat more reclusive again since the return to the Blue Dwarf, he had a lot of projects to get back on track and a lot of things to re-supply. A few of the hamsters remained, a few of the old ones for some reason longer lived than your average domestic hamster harking back to the White Wolf days.Rufus pottered about and put the finishing touched to the fifth layer of locking mechanism to the doors of the lab, he screwed the last bolt on tight and closed the panel over the top. The outside of the lab now looked like a super high-tech square pizza, with buttons and dials and scanners all over the wall. His pride and joy was the holographic projector above the door, a simple video projection system that he'd installed a light bee and a holodisk into. He tried it out just to be sure that it was working.A large angry hymenopteran worker seemed to appear from the venting in the corridor and hiss angrily at the potential intruder. Anyone stupid enough to hang around and who didn't know the codes would then be given a rather nasty electric jolt and covered in a nasty goo from the medical waste bins. Rufus giggled gleefully at his plan and reset the alarm system before going into his damn near impenetrable fortress.He sat in a comfy chair opposite his biggest and most mind bending project of all. In a glass jar, cryogenically frozen and suspended in liquid was an arm. The arm was pale skinned, as if the previous owner had recently spent a lot of time inside, or maybe it was simply pale because there was no blood cycling around it.  The fluids in the jar were preserving the arm, keeping it nourished and alive. It had suffered some necrosis, that was inevitable, he hadn't been able to get it preserved until almost too late. Rufus pondered the dilemma, looking at the arm. cloning was out of the question, last time it had been used, Rufus and Amber had damaged the machine beyond all repair and wrecked the plans so that the technology couldn't be abused again.An angry hissing noise came from outside the door.Rufus idly looked across at the video monitor to see who was accessing his lab. A passing scutter had managed to set off the alarms, the Hymenopteran warrior was in the process of holographically devouring the scutter, which had been covered in goo and shocked. It wasn't happy and snapped that the hymenopteran in a comedy way. Rufus smirked at the silly robot. The hymie hologram flickered and the scutter took the chance to whizz away down the corridor and into the turbo lift.The hologram flickered.Rufus looked at the arm again. Something in his mind beginning to form into an idea.The hologram.He bolted up and grabbed his cane, limping towards the door."Holly! Get me access to the holographic data disk records. All disks from the last two years that haven't been damaged or corrupted in the fire first, gradually going back to the worst degraded." The boy scientist limped as fast as his damaged leg allowed him to and cursed himself for never thinking of this sooner. He had been too focused on bringing her back, when she had been here all along....<To Be Continued>OOC - To be continued, but feel free to use Rufus if you need to if I don't post it up after about a week. :)  

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