Efof - "Oh look there's a corpse"

Who: Efof Yuwan'Kar
Where: Outside the AR Suite
When: Evening time
Efof had a big grin on his face. But Efof always had a big grin on
his face. He was a person/alien of very simple pleasures. With no
Captain Jay around, he'd pulled a sickie and spent the entire day
playing games in the AR suite. The day also had an extra bonus, he'd
found a new shop that sold banoffee icecream on the Promenade.
As he walked his mood was slightly altered when a bloodsoaked dead
body swung down in front of him. The flesh of the body was ripped and
torn, oozing blood out onto the floor. As the body swung down it
stopped, so that the dead man's face was level with Efof's own.
The man's internal organs however seem to have been freed from the
body by a huge gash across the lower stomach, and continued to fall,
splashing onto the floor at Efof's feet.
It gave him the biggest fright of Efof's month.
The moment stretched out into eternity as Efof wondered why there was
a dead person here, and what kind of creature had savaged him like
this. Also where was that creature now?
Efof spun around, checking to make sure there wasn't anything around
him. Then he looked up, the body was tethered by the foot to a large
spider web.
Efof got the cold feeling he got when he remembered the race of
killer insects that had killed everyone single Ffionian other than
him. Apart from those other ones of course.
Efof quickly got out his phone and called Security, constantly
looking around. But never noticing the creature watching him from

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