Nikki fails again...

Who: Nikki Baines, Jedidiah calvertWhere: The Blue Dwarf Brig When: Instantly after last post‘One screw up after another. That’s me’. Nikki sighed as she disengaged the force field and leapt into the tiny cell that Jed, sorry Jedidiah, had started to fill with miscellaneous limbs. She jumped up and dug her nails into his neck but he grabbed her with his newly formed arm. He threw her out of the room and into the wall adjacent to his cell. He advanced towards her obviously being cautious of guards. She seemed unconscious as he picked her lifeless body up and retreated back into the cell.Jed could hear the guards making their way down the corridor; he spotted an air vent in the ceiling and decided to save this meal for later. Nikki woke up in an air vent. She climbed down out of the vent and stood in what was left of the 6 guards that had tried to confront Jedidiah. She turned and looked out into the corridor to see that Jed had ripped through the security door at the end. The ship was on red alert; obviously news of Jed had spread quickly. She ran down to the end of the cell block and stepped out onto the main deck. Nikki had an idea.Jed was crawling through the ducts biding his time. He was sorry he had to abandon that meal, women were so juicy. He was making his way to the lower decks; to the vehicles hangar. By the time the security team found him he was only 4 decks away. He was surrounded, but he planned to make short work of them. Before he could even attempt to mount an attack they shot him with alcohol super-soakers. He screamed in agony as the hymenopteran features dissolved and retracted back into his body. When he woke up he was sat, strapped into a chair, in what he assumed was a new cell. The lights were raised and a familiar voice began to speak. ‘I’m sorry Jed I failed in my duty. My stupidity cost 6 lives and now I’m going to make it right.’ Nikki stepped out of the darkness into the light surrounding Jed. He struggled and shouted demanding to know where he was. Nikki just stood there being, in his opinion, maliciously benign and kind. ‘I’m sure you’re familiar with hologram brain scans?’ Jed could work out where he was. He was being held hostage in the hologram simulation suite by a crazy female psychiatrist and the ships entire security force... ‘We are going to scan your brain and find those lost memories and hopefully answers to your, uhh, affliction.’ Jed thought about it, there was nothing he could do even if he did object. He spotted a bottle of champagne in Nikki’s hand. ‘What’s that? Cheap plonk again? I won’t drink it. I don’t drink.’ He said his voice full of contempt. Nikki looked back at him her face still calm and benign and replied with only the faintest hint of malice ‘You do now Jed. And from now on you are relieved of ALL active duty as I technically out rank you as a medical officer. Now as we say back home in Middlesbrough, BELT UP’ and with that she turned back to the computer and activated the scanner.Jed began to remember...What can you do with the new Windows Live? Find out

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