Jayne:- Un-clone-vinced

"I'm telling you! I know what I saw! It looked like a giant black
widow! It was like no Hymie I've seen before!!" Jayne exclaimed,
slamming her fist down on the desk.
OOC:- Apologies to those who gets posts by email, you'll get this
twice as I deleted the first post to make a verrrrry slight change...
"Jayne!" said Chris Harris, sat behind his desk in the security
office "I can see that you're distressed, but there is no way that
you were attacked by a Hyemnoptera! We've already caught it, it was
Jed Calvert…I know that sounds weird but it's the truth!"
"I know you've already caught Jed! You've told me a dozen times, but
why would I make something like this up?!"
"I don't know" Chris said "Why would you?"
Jayne sighed heavily, she knew that it would take a long time for a
lot of people to start trusting her after what she'd done in the
past, particularly those like Chris who were around when it all
happened, but she'd been a member of the crew for over a year now
and yet some people still treated her as though she was the enemy.
"What's that supposed to mean?" she said, struggling against her
every instinct to lash out at Chris.
"Look, I'm not going to say it again. The Hymenoptera has been
caught. He's in custody where he can't hurt anyone else."
"Then how do you explain my injuries?" Jayne snapped, pointing to
the spots of blood on her uniform "These didn't come from tripping
over a skutter y'know!"
Chris pondered asking Jayne to remove her shirt so that he
could…'examine' her wounds but thought better of it.
"Sorry, but whatever happened to you, it wasn't Hymenoptera. CCTV or
something would have picked it up."
"I already told you! I was on the cargo decks, there's no CCTV down
"Don't you think that's a little convenient?" Chris remarked
dismissively "Look Jayne, I'm busy. If you don't mind…"
"Fine.." said Jayne, turning on her heel. "If you won't do anything,
I guess I'll have to do it myself!"
Chris wasn't listening, he was already ogling the centrefold in his
Jayne stormed out of the security office and onto the promenade,
turning right immediately to head into the armoury. It was security
locked, but this didn't sway Jayne. She may not have the right
security clearance to access the weapons stockroom, but she shared
DNA, fingerprints and retina patterns with the person who had the
highest clearance aboard the ship, Jay Chrysler, the captain. She
placed her eye against the retina scanner that secured the armoury
and a few seconds later Holly's voice confirmed that access was
granted, and the door slid open allowing Jayne access to a plethora
of devices designed to do damage.
She rubbed her hands together gleefully as she began to stock up…..
<Make your move SMandy! Jayne's in a vengeful mood!>

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