A Toastie Welcome!

'First day aboard the Blue Dart. Great. This dump is just as bad as
the last scoop barge I was on, the Super Mario. Why on earth did I
call Captain Kong a Gorilla? Everyone, including myself, knew that
his family was a recent G.M. descendant from the Orangutan. Still,
no matter how much I try I still end up getting the dirty end of the
stick. Never mind. Maybe this Blue Dart will get me somewhere...'
"It's Blue Dwarf!" The voice came from nowhere! I spun around
looking for whoever was about to give me my next cane across the
"Where are you?" I asked, causiously looking around.
"It's me, numbskull." The coffee machine sighed. "The ship is called
Blue Dwarf."
"Oh yeah? And I'm called Micky P. Bellhorn, the only scum low enough
to fix your sorry backside, so you'd best start showing me some
respect, or you'll find your innards turned to custard quicker than
you can say..."
"Bellhorn! How was you're journey over?" It was Salter.
"Not that.."
"Great! No time to waste, I've got to dash. You know where you're
going don't you?" And with that she was gone. Must have been in a
rush. Before I left the S. Mario, I was told Salter would be the
only person who would pretend to like me. I really didn't like the
thought of staying with the JMC, but if I went back to Blackburn Two
now I'd be gutted. Literally.
"Where's the sleeping quarters, Coffee Machine?" I asked, trying to
sound like I carried authority on board.
"Next left, then take that elevator to the seventeenth floor. It's
just down the corridor from there."
"Thanks." I left, but not so soon to miss the machine shout,
"My name's Dennis! And if you get caught drunk on duty you'll be
thrown into stasis quicker than you can say 'Please! No! Don't
throw me in stasis!' ...Idiot."
Wondering how the Coffee machine knew I was leathered, following
wrong directions of course, I got to quarters to find myself alone.
The room looked like It hadn't been lived in for years. A double
bunk, bare. Mirror, dirty. Sink, cleaner than mine was on the
Mario, so I wasn't going to complain. I looked round for the
computers monitor, but couldn't see it. The JMC obviously use better
hardware here than we had on the SM.
"Yes?" said the ships computer in a smaller voice than I had
"Any idea who I need to see when I start my shift?"
"No." I waited for more, but that was the best I got.
"Well can you find out?"
"How? I'm just a toaster!" I spun round to the toaster on the table
and almost smashed it to smithereens.
"Watch your lip you! Like I told that overgrown kettle..."
"Yeah, yeah. You're only scum. I don't like people messing with my
guts anyway. The scutters do a better job than any human."
"Oh, aye? And who do you think repairs the Scutters?" I was inches
away from the toaster when I realised what I was arguing with. I
shook my head and threw my bag on the upper bunk. I looked around to
make sure the door was shut before I took out my secret weapon... My
distillery. "At least I still have my best friend with me!"
As I set up my kit I wondered what lay ahead. Boring straight
forward job? I hoped so. Anything else would feel like too much
energy. With that I slumped back on my bunk to watch my distillery
start working on the ingredients I had prepared on on the journey
"Yep, this should be fun."

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