OOC - New Crewmember - "Micky Pratt Bellhorn"

OOC - Everyone I want you to say hello to Mike Bullen who will be
playing Micky Bellhorn, a flight technician skater with a degree in
cat faeces. Mike was so enthusiastic that he wrote a post before I'd
even approved his profile!
Welcome Mike!
I've written Micky's profile below, and also put it on the website
here: http://www.bluedwarf.co.uk/crew/navigation-department-
Character Name Micky Pratt Bellhorn
Gender Male
Age 25 (actual 23 - see below)
Species Human
Nationality English (not British!)
Department Navigation
Job Flight Technicians
Character's Physical Appearance
Deceptively small bloke. He doesn't look 5'7" short, but he is. Broad
shoulders and large arms. Legs built well from many years of riding a
skateboard (he always preferred the old-skool style of recreation)
and cycling. His head and facial hair is always changing, much to the
dismay of his superiors, who often try to stop him having his
undercuts / mohicans / mutton chops / twin beards / whatever
other "ridiculous and disrespectful fashion statements" he sports on
his head. Company uniform never really meant anything either,
probably another reason he has got nowhere in the last 7 years.
Character's Personality and Interests
In two words... Lazy and Lucky. Manic depressive alcoholic, but due
to his gambling habits, he doesn't often have the money to pay for
booze. Hence his home brewing kits. Spirits, wines, ales... you want
it, he will rip you off for it. If he has any left. When trouble sets
in, you'd better not be counting on him to be sober enough to think
straight and be of any help at all, somehow he will still get away
with it, even if you don't. Does some work on the side at the Parrots
bar for some extra spendies, which you can almost guarantee will be
spent on drink or bets (and he doesn't need a casino or gambling
machine to lose money in bets!). Every now and then he will be caught
riding his skateboard on the ship and, though there are no strict
rules against it, he's usually punished anyway.
Character's history/background story
Micky doesn't really remember much of his childhood up to the age of
about 16/17 when he left home and first started working. No real
qualifications except for the degree in Felifaecenology (the study of
Cat faeces, which, let's face it, isn't worth a thing in this day and
age!) What few memories he has are of a violent, single parent up-
bringing, never really feeling strong enough in himself to admit his
short weedy mother was the one beating him. Is there something
underneath his intoxicated, surprisingly beefy exterior showing a
deep respect for his mother, he isn't a small fella thanks to his big
burly Dad's genes, so why didn't he stop her battering him?
He became a technician at the age of 16, lying about his age (he
faked ID to be 18) to get a larger salary, mainly encouraged by the
alcoholism he picked up at age 14.
Character's favourite phrases/sayings
Oh God!! I'm Sober!!
Bob on mate!
I'm gonna need something stronger...

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