Nikki - Angry doesn't cover it.

Who:Nikki BainesWhere: The MedibayWhen: Half an hour after being tazeredNikki lifted her head off the ground, she struggled to get to her feet and look around the room. She was shaking even though the electricity had finally dissipated through her body. She tried to think through the dense mist back to what had happened. Jed. Panic filled her eyes as she realised that he was in the hold. What if they found him! What if the alcohol ran out! Her thoughts were interrupted by a transmission from the team of guards assigned to Jed. Jedidiah Calvert, first officer of the SCS York was now no more than a pile of mildly radioactive dust. Nikki collapsed back to her knees. She’d tried so hard and she still failed. She rested her head in her hands and began to silently sob.Around five minutes later Nikki stood up and wandered to the other side of the room. The mascara lines down her face had begun to dry as she picked up the bazookoid that had been left in case of a mass escape. Her eyes were glazed over as she marched straight past Keto, out of the medibay and into the service ducts down to where Jed was. When she arrived most of the guards left to fan out looking for the TransMed people and another Hymenopteran. Nikki went alone anger surging through her like fire. The TransMed officer looked round to see the small frame of the psychiatrist pointing a large Bazookoid at his head. He laughed thinking that she was just threatening him. That was the last thought he had as Nikki sent a large laser blast through his skull. She knelt down closed his eyes and took the gun from his hand. She stood up, placing the gun into the waistband of her skirt and stepped over his body.  The next officer Nikki found was a woman who screamed at her to put the gun down, she smiled at the girl as she pulled the trigger sending the unfortunate TransMed officer into the adjacent wall. Again Nikki closed the dead woman’s eyes and continued on her journey. She stopped and thought about what she was doing, about the lives she had just taken, she turned back to the body and noticed something that shouldn’t be there. It was a serial code on the woman’s neck. Nikki pulled out a Scanner from the woman’s pocket and entered the code. *Samantha Carmen, Experiment 09013, Human/GELF hybrid. Status – Experiment FAILED. Skills - heightened speed, agility and brain capacity. Current Mission – CLASSIFIED* Nikki looked back along the corridor and saw the silhouettes of the woman’s team returning to find out what the noise was she dropped the scanner and her bazookoid and ran as fast as she could. Nikki hid in the service ducts and tried to make her way to the Drive room. Even if the captain was missing, someone had to know about this. She crawled for what seemed like an age before she had t give up. She kicked open a vent into the medibay and jumped down. She crawled onto one of the medibed’s and sat down. Physically and emotionally exhausted, Nikki began to let her thoughts run wild again...<Tag anyone>Are you a PC? Upload your PC story and show the world

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