Just a reminder that the Longwood Awards nominations close this Tuesday. Quite a few people have voted in the polls but not sent me their nominations for the other categories, don't forget that for the following categories you need to send an email with your nominations to:-
sirlagerlot at gmail dot com (replace "at" and "dot" with the relevant symbols and remove the spaces - yahoo doesn't let us post email addresses!)
Those categories are:-

Best Newcomer
Best Action-Plot
Best Sub-Plot
Best 'alternate universe theme' during the multiple Dwarve's plot.
Best Villain
Best Returning Character - they don't necessarily have to have stuck around!
Best use of acronyms.
Best character 'change'. - what has happened in a characters life that you most enjoyed.
Most creative writer - who's had the best ideas this year?
Best all round-writer.
Most missed member / character who won't even know that they've won an award because they're not here anymore - this can include NPC's, Player characters, or departed / inactive members.
Best collaborative posting - who's worked well together?
Most frequent spammer  - which member ignores the 'No OOC' rule the most, or posts the most irrelevant messages!
Member who most deserves recognition for their contributions to the group
Most dramatic climax - what was the best ending for a plot this year? 
Biggest anti-climax - I don't want to see any votes referring to Onions sex life here...
Ideas for action-plots in 2009!

< Prev : Time's up... Next > : RE: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Nikki - Angry doesn\'t cover it.