"Who is the chosen one?"

< OOC - Sorry J, Brittany has been mentioned elsewhere, so I'm making Seymour say her line instead >
Who: Lester, Lester, SNIDE, Seymour, Micky, Jayne, Winzton and Father Custodias
Where: Near the wreckage
When: After the fighting with the Sheriff's men had stopped
"It's a monk," Seymour said, puzzled.
"I am Father Custodias." said a deep voice from within the dark hood, "you have been expected. You must come with me and face the test."
<end snip>
The monk walked off, and clearly expected them all to follow. Seymour followed first, which surprised Lester the most.
"W-w-what if it's a t-t-trap?" Lester said.
"I'm well aware of that." Said Seymour. "And I would normally expect it to be, which is why I'd normally send a person of lesser importance first. Like you. Or Micky. But look at him, he's a man of the cloth, he can't possibly be up to no good."
Father Custodias turned suddenly and brandished a large knife. "Jesus, he's got a knife. Run for your lives!" Seymour shouted, and ran into the bushes.
"This is the holy blood-letter of Antioch!" The monk said, and drew the knife across the tip of his finger, letting it cut his skin and draw blood from the wound.
The rest of the team stood paralysed with confusion, whilst Seymour's shouts could still be heard from the distance. "Save yourselves!" he cried.
Father Custodias pressed something on the ground with his toe and something rose out of the leaves on the ground. A pedestal rose dramatically from the forest floor and stopped at chest height. It seemed to be made from metal, and seemed incredibly high-tech, despite looking extremely old and dirty. On top of the pedestal was a machine that looked like a palm print scanner. It glowed a dull green, with lines of light scanning across the surface.
At this point SNIDE jumped from Lesters shoulder towards the machine, and took a quick look. He came back and communicated something back to his owner.
"A DNA scanner?" Said Lester. "How did they get one of those? And why do they need one?"
Father Custodias held his bleeding finger over the machine. The scanner turned red and made an unhappy noise. "Behold. For I am not the one the machine needs. Maybe it is one of you?" He walked over to Micky and tried to cut his finger.
"Sod off mate!" Said Micky. "There's no way you're cutting me!"
"But the machine needs your blood. You might be the one it needs!"
Micky sighed and grabbed the knife from the monk. "If anyone's doing it, I'm doing it myself!" He said and cut a small nick in his finger. Blood started to drip out. He walked to the DNA scanner and dropped a few red droplets onto the green scanner. The scanner turned red.
"I'm sorry." Said Father Custodias. "It is not you we are looking for."
"Damn, I thought I might win something." Said Micky, and walked back to the group.
"This man has proven that he is not the chosen one. Could it be another of you people?" The monk said.
There was rustling in the bushes, and Seymour emerged. "You never said anything about being the chosen one!" He said. "I'll try."
Father Custodias smiled, and walked over. He cut Seymour's finger, who acted like a baby about it and made a big deal that it really really hurt. However, he walked over to the DNA scanner like a man with a purpose and began a speech.
"For my entire life, I have though that I was special. I have wondered what it was that made me different from the commoners in the galaxy. Today I might finally have realised my greatness. For I am the chosen-"
"Get on with it!" Shouted Micky.
Seymour pressed his cut finger onto the DNA scanner and it turned red.
"I'm sorry, but you are not the chosen one." Said Father Custodias.
"But I was so certain..." Seymour said. "Stupid test. If I get tetanus from this cut, I'm going to sue your Priory for all that it has. What is the name of your Abbott?"
Father Custodias ignored him and walked behind the pedestal containing the DNA scanner. "Is there anybody else?"
"Dammit, do you even know what kind of person you are looking for?" Seymour asked him. "Or are you just asking people at random?"
Custodias nodded. "We cannot be certain. This is why we have been performing this test for six hundred years. But we are confident we will find the chosen one any day now."
"And what makes you so sure?"
"The mysterious holy woman named Annie who gave us this holy relic told us that we will find the chosen one in exactly six hundred years."
"Did she give you any more information? A hint maybe?"
Father Custodias lowered his voice to a whisper. "A lot of information has been lost as it was handed down from generation to generation, but there are rumours that the chosen one is blue."
"And has four arms."
"Yes. I know, I know, it's ridiculous." Said Custodias. "And to be honest it casts ridicule over what we've been doing for six hundred years. But at least I get paid."
"Actually... it's not as stupid as you think." Said Seymour. He turned to Lester. "When was the last time you saw Efof?"
<Tag. Where DID Efof go? Okay I just realised I just tagged myself, as Efof is my NPC, but if anyone has any good ideas of where Efof has been for a while, let me know!>

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