[JMC_Blue_Dwarf] "Club Seymour's Nipples Part 2"þ

Who: Wolfgang Sweetsly
Where: Promenade, Strip Club "Seymour's Nipples"
When: As the Skutters arrive at the Strip Club
Wolfgang pulled Seymour back against the pillar at the entrance. "Wait. I hear Skutters coming towards us."
"They must have heard the commotion when the holograms turned on." Said Seymour.
A girl came up and danced next to Wolfgang, bending over to show a pert bottom.
"Not now!" Wolfgang whispered.
Another girl came up to Seymour and started stroking his arm. "Not now. Shoo!" He shouted.
The Skutters got closer.
As the Skutters approached the entrance to the Strip Club Seymour started to panic "oh ooooh smeg what I'm I going to I have to hide".
"Vat do you mean you have to hide ve both half to or ve are sausage meat".
Having a an idea on how to solve there immediate problem Wolfgang grabbed the stammering Seymour and yanked him along as he forced a path through several holographic strippers towards the back of the strip club.
As they moved Seymour glanced behind him to catch a glance of the Skutters advancing into the strip club knocking hapless holographic strippers out of the way as they tried to gain the attention and notice of them.
Upon reaching the back of the strip club Wolfgang noticed a door that was marked as staff only and pushed it open pulling Seymour through with him.
The two of them then found themselves in a carpeted hallway with bright purple walls and several intervals along the hallway and what they could see were several doors.
Wasting your time Wolfgang ushered Seymour through one of his new ride yours and followed in making sure to close the door behind him, it was then went looking around the room that they found themselves in that they discovered they were in a changing room for the strippers.
Seymour dancing around the room in which he had found himself in felt outraged at the fact he was in the rear echelons of a sordid establishment even know that this said establishment was named after him "this is an outrage I cannot be found here in the dressing rooms or strippers it is against all modesty and decency for someone such as myself who is from a reputable background".
Wolfgang looked at Seymour and cocked his head to one side in thought before speaking "are you telling me you have never done anything outrageous such as sucked caviar from the buttocks of French whores".
Seymour then became absolutely furious and blurted out in his rage "how did you...... I mean I would never do such a thing, that is an outlandish statement and you can't prove anything".
Wolfgang listens to Seymour but does not pay him too much attention, he liked to Seymour but there are times when he found the man quite exasperating but something else is now distracting him as he could hear the distinct emotion of something going on back the way they are playing within the strip club.
Wolfgang looking round to Seymour rolled his eyes and rubbed his forehead saying " I can't believe I'm going to suggest this but I think I have figured out a way for us to get out of here alive and that he is to dress up as strippers".
"What you can't be serious, what if somebody sees us I have certain sensibilities to up hold as royal ambassador of Blue Dwarf" said Seymour.
2Yes I know how you I feel because I feel the same way, as health and safety officer and responsibilities responsibilities that I have aboard a ship there is a certain way I feel I must portray myself to the crew of the Blue Dwarf but nevertheless I'd rather stay alive" replied Wolfgang.
With all that said and done Wolfgang and Seymour wandered around the changing room looking for something to wear to disguise themselves, and so Seymour emerged wearing an outfit of a kinky schoolgirl complete with wig.
Whereas Wolfgang was wearing a German World War II officer's hat and a corset with suspenders and fishnet stockings and was carrying a riding crop.
Wolfgang after starting a few items down his corset he glanced up from what he was doing and looked at Seymour, the two of them looked at each other in their respective outfits and at some point finally one of them plucked up the up the courage to speak which turned out surprisingly to be Seymour "I feel humiliated and degraded".
"Vell I for one don't feel too bad but we really need to find a way out of here now" said Wolfgang as he approached the dressing room door and peeked out into the hallway.
He did not see any Skutters out there and so muttered for Seymour to follow him and the two gingerly made their way down the hallway searching for a way out.
In their progress somewhere along the way they made a wrong turn and soon found themselves on the main stage at the strip club they then saw six Skutters moving around the strip club beyond in front of them beating and shoving out of the way all about it strippers in their search for whoever had activated the holograms.
It was then Skutters noticed the two figures of Wolfgang and Seymour standing rather exposed on the main stage, all six of them then turned and moved slightly towards the stage looking quite furious.
It was then that music suddenly kicked in and blared out of nearby speakers as lights flooded at lit up the main stage.
As the music of Stevie Wonders –Superstitionhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39UE5UGXFU0
played Seymour and Wolfgang stood stock still like rabbits caught in the headlights.
It was then that it occurred to Wolfgang that perhaps the Skutters thought they were actually strippers because of their disguises they were wearing.
Wolfgang nudged Seymour in the ribs with his blow who winced and whimpered as he looked at the heavily armed Skutters nearby.
Wolfgang then leaned in close to Seymour and whispered " they think we are strippers let's make them think we are it's our only way out", in response to Seymour just whimpered more but nevertheless gave it a good try as he pranced about the stage and gave it his best shot in imitation of a stripper.
Wolfgang followed suit as he bumped and grinded nearby poll he had found thanking his lucky stars that back on Earth at in Berlin at a JMC athletics club where he had spent many hours in his misspent youth.
Soon the two were able to flee the stage when the music ended as the doubters became distracted by a gaggle of holographic strippers again and so managed to find a fire escape door and made their way onto the promenade.
It was from there they made their way back into the interior of Blue Dwarf in the chance and open making it back to Seymour or Wolfgang's quarters before anyone saw them in their disguises.
But as they threw two dwarf in the direction or their chosen destinations it was then that they caught sight of another Skutter patrol but with Wolfgang's quick thinking when passing somebody's nearby crew quarters he punched in his healh and safety override code on the door access panel and pulled Seymour into the quarters with himself with just enough time before the Skutter patrol spotted them.
It was then that Wolfgang suggested that they lied low here for a short time until the patrol passed however it was then the two of them discovered whos quarters it was they were exactly in which they found to their surprise belonged to Amber FeBuggure.
<Tag what happens next>

< Prev : "Club Seymour's Nipples" Next > : Mision Improbable (Explosive Ripples for Niples)