Mision Improbable (Explosive Ripples for Niples)

<Snip (inside Mickys memories)>
Micky threw himself involuntarily to the floor of the small vessel so hard he
hit his nose. The pain was staggering,blood flowing instantly from his nostrils.
"What in damn blazes are you doin' gettin blood all over mah floor?!" Cap yelled
at him, standing in the doorway of the living area. "And why jump around like a
god forsaken fool?! Can't you see we're in space?!"
Micky looked up at the captain from his position on the floor, the Texan accent
all too familiar.
"I don't know what happened." He was still dazed, his eyes blurry from the tears
welling up from the impact with the steel flooring.He couldn't quite remember
the captains full name... For some reason he couldn't quite reach it in his
memory. The tall, lanky guy stood over him, Leather jacket hung over his twin
shooters, cowboy hat on head and smelling like the bottom of an empty beer
barrell. The Labradore sat out of sight knew his name. He knew it far too well.
"Jedidiah Calvert...." Holly said to himself
"Well boy?!" Jed seemed furios about something, Micky was sure he would find out soon. "Pick yourself up, fix that busted nose and BRING ME MY BEER!"
"Yes, Cap." Micky replied. Something didn't feel right about this. Almost as if this wasn't the way it was meant to be happening.
"This isn't the way it's meant to be happening." The voice said to him.
"I know, I just told myself that."
"Wake up, Micky." Micky felt like he recognised the old, dull voice. "It's as easy as that."
"But, I am awake!" Micky replied, then looked round at whoever it was talking to him.
"Are you sure?" The golden Labradore sat there, smiling at him. Micky was now perfectly sure he was not awake. Or sober.
"Not really." Micky uttered. He didn't realise, but the room he had been stood in was gone, now replaced by blackness.
"You're stuck in your mind Micky"
"Who are you?" His voice echoed around him in the dark abyss. "How can you talk like that? You're just a dog."
"I'm not a dog, I'm a computer with an IQ of over 6000." The Labradore, Holly, looked pleased with itself.
"I'm so drunk right now. I must be. I bet it's that wine we plundered from the lunar villiage. Jed's always more bothered about nicking drink than anything. I swear we have more booze than gold in the cargo bay!"
"Those people aren't real Micky, they are just your memories. You're stuck here. I had to take control of your body so that I could save the captain." The Labradore was doing a pretty poor job of explaining to Micky what was going on. "You knew Jed years ago. You're not really this kid that you think you are." Micky looked down at himself. His well built figure didn't hide the fact he was just a young boy.
"Holly.... Is that what you siad your name was?" He looked like he was starting to realise who he was.
"Yes!" Holly was happy to see it.
"Never heard of him."
*Meanwhile back in realityville*
Efof nodded and hung the explosives over Micky's shoulders. The man was walking
like a zombie, but at least he could be useful and carry some things for him.
"Carry these for me yeah big guy?" Efof waved in front of his eyes, but there
was no response from him. "Poor guy. Looks like there's some sort of battle
going on in his head." The Ffionian said.
The small group of the crew, Jay and Efof, armed to the teeth with pistols bazookoids and a highly explosive Micky were running down the corridor.
(It might be a good time to add that this was all being done rather pointlessly as Evil Holly hadn't expected anybody to get on board, let alone get near his main core, so hadn't even considered protecting it. Anyway, moving on...)
Jay blasted the doors open with his bazookoid as they neared them. Everybody stopped and took cover from the flying debris. Everyone except Micky, who had stupidly been left in the care of Efof.
"Efof! Why did you let go of him?!" Jay screamed over the crashing and pointed at Micky who had carried on running as no one had stopped him.
"Oh no!" Yelled Efof and jumped to his feet, taking after the mobile cabbage. "Stop Micky! There's no barriers in there! It's just a straight drop to the core!"
Micky didn't stop. His motor functions just carried on working. Through the doors he sprinted. Two steps later, his toe clipped the edge of the walkway and he tumbled forward, over the edge. Below him was a drop of over 200 metres to the computers main core. The wide open space opened out as the huge hole swallowed him up.
"Miiiiiickyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!" Efof screamed as he watched him trip. Without thinking he lunged himself forward, all four arms outstretched.
Jay could only see dust and hear Efof calling out for Micky. Then it went silent. Deathly silent. Besides the two loud bangs as something hit the bottom of the computers core. Jay sat, knowing he was left alone. He didn't want to venture forward and see the mess that would be two giant man-pizzas far below him. He knew that nobody could stand a fall like that.
"Will somebody please help? I think those things are going to blow up soon."
Jay jumped to his feet and dashed to the edge of the walkway, where he saw Efof holding onto Mickys ankle with one arm, the platform with two hands and scratching his armpit with the other.
"Stop scratching Efof!" Jay shouted at him and pulled him and Micky, who had thankfully now stopped running, up to the floor. "What were thos bangs?" He asked, out of breath from hauling the two crewmembers up.
"Oh, just the explosives I hung around Mickys neck. They fell off when I caught him." Efof sat smiling at Jay.
The was a bright flash, followed rapidly by a loud bang and the feeling of an earthquake. Jay and Efof looked at each other in horror. Efof grabbed Mickys hand without needing to be told, 'for once, thank god,' thought Jay, and dragged him as far away from the computer room as he could. Many more explosions and loud bangs tore through computers core. The entire ship shook as the shockwaves from the imploding magnets of the computer core rippled through its bulk. Jay and Efof covered their heads, Micky sat there on the floor where Efof had left him, oblivious to anything remotely dangerous happening.
Which, as it turns out, was a rather bad thing.
Nobody saw the small piece of computer chip bounce out of the core and lodge itself firmly in his cheek.
*Back in Micky's head*
Holly was doing a good job of explaining to Micky what was really happening now.
"So how do I get control back?" He asked Holly, who was still in the form of a Golden Labradore.
"That part I don't know. I guess it's up to you."
"Wasn't there some fit chick that kept passing on my advances?" Micky looked like he was thinking hard, Holly saw flashes in the black abyss that was his mind. Obviously working overdrive. "Jill?"
"You mean Jayne?"
"That's it!" Micky said with a big smile on his face. Holly saw something changing around him as Micky was starting to re-remember where he should really be. He looked older. A lot older. About the same age as he should really look. "Yeah! And you're really a computer on a telly screen! And that other fit bird I about got courtmarshalled for chatting up!"
Holly watched Micky pace about, telling him all about the crew on Blue Dwarf, the skutter he had tamed, the things that had happened. Everything was coming back to him. Holly could hear an explosion, but didn't want to leave Micky now, not when he was this close.
"Aaaaaaargh!" A new voice that sounded much like Holly's own came screaming into the black. A small light whooshed about, swirling up and down and round and round before finally coming into contact with Holly and bursting in a bright light. It was so bright that both Micky and Holly had to shield their eyes.
When they finally opened them again, they both saw they were not alone. A Black Labradore, identical to Holly in every way except for black fur and dark, piercing red eyes. Holly didn't know how, but someone else had got into Mickys head. He had a horrible feeling he knew who it was.
"Hello punks!" Said Evil Holly.
*In the land of the conscious*
Jay did a quick check across the communications on the ship to find out if everyone was alright. The result was good, everyone was fine, even that posh twirp, Seymour Niples. Jay's intercom was screaming back at him.
"Everything is fine Mr Chrysler! Oh yes! Everything! Nothing on the ship was damaged at all! Nothing except MY CLUB! I did have a beautiful restaurant here, but no! Now I just have A STRIP CLUB!!" Jay was doing his best not to burst out laughing. Efof was not trying to stop himself from laughing at all and was now rolling around in a puddle of his own tears. "Mr Chrysler! I do not just have a strip club. It would appear I have a strip club that is now IN RUINS!.. Get off me woman, this is no time for a lapdance!... Why oh why is it always me that ends up with the shit end of the sti-"
Jay switched off his comms unit and calmed down his giggles.
"Come on." He said to a still hysteric Efof. "We'd best get him to the medi-bay."
<Tag! Micky needs to get to the medi-bay please!>

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