Cassandra: Cheating death again

The giant robot picked her up and threw her like a tennis ball with all his strength towards the hole in the floor they had come through.
Cassandra felt the air rushing past her face as she was flung through the hole, and then rocketed towards the flight deck ceiling.
"Not thaaaaat faaaaaaaast! " She called out.
Reflexively curling into a tight ball as the ceiling rapidly approached, Cass screwed her eyes closed in miserable preparation for the final fatal impact, only to find her ascent unaccountably slowing with stomach wrenching suddenness some meters from the looming bulkhead
A few seconds passed, in which nothing occurred
Cass let the breath she had unconsciously held out again, and took another - might as well enjoy breathing while she was still able, she reasoned
Another couple of seconds ticked past, and nothing, especially a bone crunching impact, continued to happen
Cass figured it was about time she did something proactive, so she opened her eyes, and glanced about
"What the smeg..?"
She found herself floating in the air, a couple of metres from the ceiling
"Huh" she muttered to herself "The A.G. must be playing up... Probably something to do with why that crane claw went straight through the deck..."
Belatedly realising that she was monologing, she shut up and gazed, with a frown, back down towards the debris strewn floor, and the holes that the crane had punched in it; something down there was making metre thick cyrosteel bulkheads worryingly brittle, and whatever it was, it seemed it was working its way through the artificial gravity generators too
Truth be told, Cass wasn't all that so bothered about gravity just failing, since she'd just be left hanging where she was; but what she was worried about, was the possibility of the generators sputtering back to life and her falling back down to where she had just come from.
Not the fall was anything to worry about of course: Falling didn't kill you - it was the ground at the bottom that did that
Looking around to try and see what she could do to help herself out of her predicament, Cass spied a ladder mounted on the wall, leading to a maintenance hatch set in the ceiling some ten or so metres away; that was where she needed to get to, but how was she going to even going manage it?
Experimentally she tried a couple of strokes in an attempt to swim through the air towards the ladder, but immediately felt foolish for even trying when she achieved nothing
She hung there for a moment or two, trying to figure her next moves: By rights she should try and get back down onto the mining decks to main that sleazy little pervert, and lobotomise the mining mech with an axe, but right now, all she could do was wait until either the generators did something different, or she was rescued; she just hoped in that case, it wasn't by the sex crazed freak she had just encountered...
Cass fell suddenly upwards, with a startled cry, and smacked onto the ceiling
"Son of a smegging goit!" she spat, rolling over onto her back, where she lay for a moment, feeling weirdly displaced as she gazed back down towards the two wrecked starbugs and the debris strewn across the floor below; the floor that all her senses were currently telling her was actually the ceiling
"Weird..." she breathed, savouring the strangeness
A twisted metal bolt smacked onto the ceiling a few metres away from her, startling her from her reverie, its rattling clang the first of a slowly growing patter of nuts, bolts, and screws that began pinging up onto the ceiling all around her
Once she realised what was happening, Cass quickly scrambled to her feet, eyes wide with terror, to make a mad dash towards the maintenance hatch she has spotted earlier, as the first of the larger pieces of debris from the floor started raining upward to crash around her
Dodging around a piece of twisted mechanical junk that was only just a little smaller than her, Cass reached the hatch just as the crane, which had never been designed to hang upside down, began twisting, metal shrieking above the cacophony around her, and finally sheared upwards onto the ceiling with a deafening boom
"Oh please please please please please..." Cass desperately thumbed the maintenance hatch's access panel, as the first of the starbugs on the other side of the hanger began a lazy spiral upward.
To her mild shock the hatch actually slid open, the engineering department's ineptitude and unwillingness to stick to procedures by properly securing their maintenance hatches, happily reaffirming Cassandra's nihilism in one swoop, and banishing her uneasy suspicions that there really was a god after all, and that it really, really hated her
The first starbug smashed into the ceiling showering more debris through the air as Cass rolled forward and struggled through the hatch into a different gravity field onto the floor of the deck above, where she lay for a moment, breathing hard, and marvelling at surviving yet another near death experience
The second starbug impacted on the deck beneath her, rattling her head against the floor
She sat up rubbing the back of her skull, looked around and wondered what her next move should be - after all, other than a few tens of other people who had come aboard along with her on the two starbugs, she more or less had the full run of the ship...

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