Seymour + Rosette "Oversized baby"

Who: Seymour Niples and Rosette LaChance
Where: McDonalds, falling through the air
When: After Rosette saved Seymour from being eaten, but before Holly made
everyone large again
"He better be grateful for this, or I am totally hanging him in a web for a
week." She muttered to herself, and squeezed the belt. The centre of it, which
looked much like a watch, shattered into two, restarting time with a jump, she
flew backwards, away from the large man.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?" Seymour yelled as they flew through the air,
suddenly aware of not being eaten anymore.
"Hold on" Rosette said, and fired a shot of web towards the nearest table,
hoping to break their fall at least a little.
<end snip>
They fell through the web safety net, which broke most of their fall before
snapping and depositing them both onto the greasy floor.
Seymour fell first, breaking Rosette's fall.
"Get off me, I'm a Royal Ambassador don't you know!" he cried, turning around
and coming face to face with Rosette in her half-Human, half-Hymenoptera form.
Seymour yelped, then shuddered. Rosette morphed back into her feminine human
self, and Seymour opened his eyes again.
"Ms LaChance, you gave me a bit of a fright!" He said. "First I thought I was
going to be eaten by a bearded man, and then I thought I was being attacked by a
Rosette brushed herself off, but not as anally as Seymour seemed to be doing it.
He went to the extent of fetching out a little brush from his pocket and wiping
his suit down.
"I saved you Seymour. I thought you would be grateful." She said.
"I'm terribly sorry my dear." Seymour said apologetically. "Of course I'm
grateful." He smiled warmly. Rosette returned his smile.
"Of course I had the situation under control." Seymour continued.
"What?! Like smeg you did!" She said. "You were seconds away from being chewed
"Of course I did. My plan was to grab hold of the man's nose hair, use it to
pull myself out of the burger, then climb down his bushy beard. Possibly hiding
in the beard if he tried to find me."
Rosette crossed her arms. "Yeah right Seymour. I saved you and you can't admit
Seymour suppressed a smile. Then his face changed to one of terror as he looked
up from underneath the table they were on.
"Holy mother of mahogony!" He cried. "Hide!"
"What's wrong?"
"It's my babysitter, she's carrying baby Alota!"
Rosette looked up to see a woman carrying Seymour's toddler in her arms. "She
must have tracked me using the GPS on my phone." Seymour said.
"What's the big deal?" asked Rosette. "She's your baby!"
"Yes of course. But look at the size of her!" Said Seymour. "She's a normal
sized baby, but I'm the size of a lego man. I'm in no fit state to look after a
small child."
The babysitter sat down opposite the bearded Peter Lightbringer who was now
eating his burger quite happily. She started to chat to him, presumably asking
if he'd seen the Royal Ambassador.
The man shook his head, showering crumbs under the table. One hit Seymour's arm,
where the next day it would come out in a bruise.
The babysitter placed Alota on the floor, where she sat quietly. Then started to
crawl away.
"Look at the incompetence of that babysitter!" Seymour ranted. "She's letting my
baby crawl away!"
Then baby Alota unsteadily got onto her legs and toddled under the table.
"Aww. She can walk really well now!" Rosette said.
"Stop being so girly!" Said Seymour. "She's toddling this way."
"Dada!" Said Alota, taking uneasy steps under the table.
"Daddy's not here sweetie." Came the babysitter's voice from above the table.
"No. Daddy's not here!" Said Seymour as Alota got dangerously close to him.
"Shoo. Shoo!"
Alota took another few steps and now loomed tall above him. Seymour and Rosette
looked up. "She's grown a lot lately!" Rosette said.
"Oh shut up."
With an earth-shuddering slam, Alota fell backwards onto her padded bottom. Then
she reached forwards towards Seymour, who pressed himself up against the table
"No Alota. Bad girl!" Seymour said, trying to slap her massive chubby baby hands
The baby grabbed Seymour and picked him up, his legs dangling and kicking.
"Dada!" She said happily, poking him with her other hand.
"Okay sweetheart. Now put Daddy down okay?" Seymour said.
Alota looked around, then put Seymour straight into her mouth, and sucked on
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!" The Royal Ambassador cried, until the toddler removed him
and giggled.
Seymour gasped for breath, and rubbed baby dribble from his eyes. "Naughty
Alota!" he said.
She giggled again.
Suddenly, the air started to move, rippling with a wave of some sort. It passed
through them and onto the rest of the ship.
"What was that?" Seymour asked.
Rosette shrugged. Then she noticed the top of the table was coming towards her.
"Seymour, I think... I think we're growing!"
Seymour grew larger than Alota could hold, and she dropped him to the floor. He
grew exponentially, eventually banging his head on the table as he became too
large to fit underneath it fully stood up.
A few moments later they were both back to normal size, and Rosette helped him
out from under the table, where he also pulled Alota out from.
He raised the baby up into his arms. "Jolly good, I'm back!" he said.
"Dada!" Said Alota.

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