Sketch's dilema.

Who: Sketch 300 and Holly.
Where: Sketch's quarters onboard Blue Dwarf.
When: Somewhere between lunch and bedtime. :)
It has been some time now since the incident with the Hymenoptera and it has
weighed heavy on Sketch's mind as he hasn't left his quarters since his comeback
gig, flash backs you see, flash backs of his creation and his escape from being
a cyborg assassin and finding himself in the museum of 20th century nostalgia.
He managed to break his own program and decided that he would be an entertainer
onboard some spaceship telling 20th century jokes, his ideal life was working
out just fine and then after his holiday in the A-R suite playing Grand theft
spacecraft it all went to krudd.
"why? why me? why now? after five hundred years it's not smeggin' fare
I tell ya. All I wanted was to be an entertainer and the first cyborg pacifist
and now this what am I going to do?" Sketch ranted to himself when suddenly
Holly appeared on screen "Alright dude what's shakin'?" he asked "You alright
you look like you lost a fiver and found a penny mate" Sketch looked at Holly
"You have no idea even with your IQ" Sketch said in doubt "Try me I'm amazing I
am, come on" "ok" Sketch yealded " I'll tell you, I wasn't originally built for
entertainment I was supposed to be a highly sophisticated killing machine with
deadly weapons not art utensils but something in my circuitry longed for more so
I wandered off...." Sketch carried on with his story and Holly listened and
thought of a a solution. "It's simple what you do there you go get your memory
wiped from the moment you came out of the A-R suite to your comeback gig so as
far as your concerned the incident will have never occured." "That's brilliant.
Thanks Hol I was going crazy with worry I'll go down to engineering and get them
to access my memory files and wipe the whole thing plus my initial functions so
I can go back to tellin' jokes and entertaining people. Bye Holly." Holly wishes
Sketch luck and dissappeares from screen. Sketch makes his way to engineering.
> Sorry it's been a while but couldn't find a story arc for Sketch to fit in so
after a long think I came up with Sketch's dilema I now need an engineer who can
wipe Sketch's memory of the Hymenoptera incident. G.Vader.

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