Pancake wants the parcel

Who: Jay, Harris, Justin, Dean, Phil, Mini-Phil, Micky
Where: The Drive Room
When: Just after Micky vanished with a Zograth ape
Justin wiped his brow with relief. "Thank god he's given himself up!" He said. "There might be some strippers left!" People stared at him and so he continued to ramble. "I was about to knock him out and drag him over in a Starbug. I'm quite glad I didn't have to now, did you smell his B.O.?"
The Captain crossed his arms in annoyance. "Don't be cold hearted." He said. "Micky was an idiot, but at least fifteen years experience made him grow up into a better person. When are you going to grow up eh?"
Justin bit his lip. "Fifteen prostitutes time?" He joked, but nobody laughed. He turned to leave. "Alright, well I'm off back to Fourth Base to pick up a package."
The Captain stood in front of him, blocking the exit. "No you're not. Nobody is allowed on Fourth Base."
"But... but..." Justin started, about to tell him about the package which Willy Eckerslike had told him to collect for him.
"But what?"
Justin also remembered Eckerslike mentioning it was top secret, and not to tell anyone – even the Captain.
"Erm... nothing." He said. Jay remained in front of the door. "But.... it's an important nothing. I have to do it quite urgently."
"Do what urgently?" Jay quizzed.
"Nothing.... but its urgent." He tried to squeeze past.
Fearing this conversation was going to go round and round forever, Jay changed his tack, he grabbed Justin's shoulder and pulled him back. "Pancake, just tell me what it is that you've got to go to Fourth Base for?"
Justin sighed, and thought he might as well tell him. "Okay, okay. William Eckerslike told me to collect a package. It's top secret and I'm not supposed to tell anyone. Not even you."
"You told us." Piped up Phil from the back of the room. Justin cringed.
"So..." Jay said. "The boss of the entire JMC has asked you to do him a favour?"
"The boss of the entire JMC – a multi-billion dollarpound interstellar company has asked you – an annoying little pervert – to do this for him. Rather than trust a loyal, talented, and extremely trustworthy Captain, like me?"
"That's about it yes." Admitted Pancake.
"That's bollocks!" The Captain concluded. "You're making it up!"
"I'm really not!" Said Pancake.
"I have a theory." Piped up Phil from the back of the room. "Eckerslike is getting Justin to do this because it's something highly illegal, or embarrassing. So if Justin gets caught, Eckerslike can claim he doesn't know anything about it."
Jay thought about this. "What would Eckerslike be up to?"
"Maybe it's a robotic sex doll!" Suggested Dean, and Mini-Phil started to get excited.
"Maybe it's an A.I butt-plug!" Harris joked.
They all laughed, apart from Jay. "Maybe it's some illegal technology." Jay said. "Maybe it's drugs, maybe it's slave trafficking. Or what if it's the results of some genetic alien hybrid experiment."
Justin shrugged. "What of it?"
"It's wrong." Said Jay. "We have to find out what it is."
Justin started to feel the cold sweat of panic. "But... no... He's promised me promotion for helping him. I want to be Captain some day..."
Jay's brow furrowed, as if he were going to say "You'll never be a Captain" but he said nothing. Justin knew though, that he would. He'd seen it in his future.
"Okay." Said Jay. "Justin, I want you to go and collect this parcel. Harris, Dean, Phil, go with him."
They all nodded and walked out of the room. Any excuse to go to Fourth Base was enough, but none were as excited as Mini-Phil, who followed them.
<Lets get back to Fourth base and pick up this package! If you want to post, you can get us to the package, but don't open it just yet>

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