Cassandra: Datathief

Who: Cassandra
Where: Somewhere on Blue Dwarf
When: Around three of four days after assaulting Keto
The ventilation grille smashed to the floor, the echoing crash reverberating
around the silent computronium nodes in the deserted cluster room
Cass swung head first down from the vent shaft and executed an acrobatic
somersault to land in a crouch on the floor, where she pulled her handheld
terminal out to check the Slave system for any sign of an automated response to
her intrusion
Satisfied after a moment that the subjugation functions were working properly,
she stood, pulled a wrinkled pack of cigs out of a pocket and worried out a fag
to slip it between her lips and spark it up; frankly, she couldn't believe that
Jay hadn't let Amber know about what she had done to the security systems, but
having been fired from more than a few jobs in her past, she could more than
understand the vindictive forgetfulness that went along with a summary dismissal
Drawing deeply, Cass exhaled, blowing a thin stream of smoke out from between
her lips as she glanced appraisingly around the room looking for GX#149974; she
knew the node was around here somewhere, although given that even establishing
this clusters physical location had been something of a feat, she wasn't
entirely sure of where it was
Trailing smoke, she picked a direction at random and wandered down the silent
aisles looking for the node holding the precious data she was after
Three hours later, Cass slid back into the cramped vent system, pulling the
grille back into place behind her; it was a pain in the arse having to make her
way to and from the cluster like this, but since her plan required total
deniability on her part, the vent system was by far the easiest way in
Lying on her back in the darkness, she double checked the integrity of the data
she had just lifted for perhaps the fifth time, before finally flicking the
handheld off, securing it inside a pocket and with a sigh, turning over to begin
the long crawl back out of the vent system
<ooc>Short and sweet for the time being folks</ooc>

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