I burnt the Pancake.

Who: Davie
Jones and Justine Pancake
When: After Davie
fell through the vent
Where: somewhere near the outside of the ship and one of the
docking bays
Justin barged into the Mercenary, sending them both tumbling
to the ground.
Justin was the first back on his feet, and he stood over Davie with his gun
pointing at him.
"Drop the weapon punk. I'm in a hurry!"
<End Snip>
            Davie lay on the floor,
the strange man standing over him with a gun. Davie sat up slowly. "Get that smegging gun
out of my face!" said Davie
angrily. "Who's side are you on?!" demanded the man. "I'm on my side." said Davie standing to full height, looking at the
man's name stitched into his jacket. It was Lt. Justin Pancake, trainee
engineer. Justin held the gun steady in Davie's
direction, "I said, get that smegging
gun out of my face!" Davie
said, angrily. "I asked whose side you're on. Tell me and I might put down the gun." said Justin with equal force. "I told you
I'm on my side."
            "If you're
not with me, then you're against me."
            Davie stood dead still,
facing Justin. He glanced at Justin's gun; it was within an arms length of Davie. Davie looked into Justin's eyes, a deep,
hypnotic stare. From Justin's point of view Davie looked like a madman, and hesitated. Davie continued his stare, and then suddenly, before
Justin could react, Davie
launched his left hand sideways at Justin's gun, knocking it to the side. Davie brought his right
hand around and hit Justin squarely across the jaw with an open palm punch,
knocking him towards the wall.
            Davie quickly kicked him
in the back of the knees, knocking him to the ground. Davie swung a final blow at the back of
Justin's head, dazing him heavily. "If you ever point a gun at me again, I'll
kill you!" Davie
said, taking Justin's gun away from him, quickly dismantling the trigger
assembly, throwing it to one end of the corridor and the rest of the gun to the
other. Davie
turned away from Justin, leaving him in the corridor, dazed and confused.
            Davie broke into a run
away from Justin, glancing out of the window as he went. He saw a Star Bug
appear, followed closely by a Blue Midget, then others. Suddenly the Star Bug
exploded into a ball of fire and the Blue Midget rolled out of the way of the
explosion, the other human ships rolled away as Davie searched out of window for the source
of shots. That's when he saw the wing of Hymenoptera fighters barreling towards
Blue Dwarf and the other human ships. Smeg…thought
Davie as he ran
down the corridor.
ship exploded, sending a large, burning piece of metal hurdling through space
towards Blue Dwarf. The metal hit exterior of the ship with loud scraping ca-crink. I should get out there… Davie
thought as he ran down the corridor. He reached the end of the hallway and
tried the elevator. No luck. He turned to his right and saw a metal stairway
going up. He bolted up the stairs three at a time. When he reached the top of
the stairs he saw a sign to his left that said "Docking Bay"
with an arrow pointing down the corridor. To his right he saw another sign that
read "Defensive Turret"
            Davie weighed his options,
and under the circumstances he figured he had better help the pilots outside
the ship. A soft rumble vibrated through the hull as Davie ran down the hallway towards the
turret. He stepped through a door to the turret seat, glancing at a pad next to
the door. He guessed it was an emergency close panel in case the turret was
destroyed. He sat in the seat, powering up the gun. As he did the door behind
him closed softly. He looked out of the thick glass window of the turret,
watching ships, both human and Hymenoptera, exploding and firing wildly at each
            Davie pressed down hard on
the turret trigger, leading his targets. He spotted a Hymenoptera fighter on
the tail of Star Bug, and swiveled the turret to face them. He squeezed the
trigger, the turret streaming gunfire at the alien craft, catching it in the
cockpit. The craft spun out of control and exploded into a ball of fire. Davie too aim at another
alien fighter craft that had just fired a large number of missiles one of the
Blue Midgets flying through space. He fired at the ship, hitting it squarely in
the thrusters. The ship spun into another Hymenoptera fighter nearby.
            Davie stopped firing for
a moment, and heard someone running down the corridor behind him, passing him
by for the flight deck. Whoever it was, Davie
guessed they hadn't noticed him in the turret. Davie swung the turret around to fire at
another ship when he saw a small, fast, Hymenoptera vessel speeding towards
him. Plasma bolts erupted from the crafts forward guns, slamming into the ship
around the turret. No time! Davie thought. He leapt up
from his seat, and swung around running out of the turret, pressing the button
on the wall, it opened half way and Davie
ducked under it, pressing the button on the outside, closing the door. Just as
the door hissed to the ground, the glass and metal from the turret exploded,
sending shards of shrapnel flying in every direction. Luckily the door held
firmly, but Davie
was still stunned from the explosion, He sat in the corridor for a moment,
shaking the fog from his head.
<Tag Justin, was that you running past me? If it was you
have just enough time to get to your ship before I get to the Flight Deck.>

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