Rosette - Taking The Fight To The Enemy

Who: Rosette & Others
Where: Blue Dwarf & Orbit of the Hymenoptera Homeworld
When: before and during the battle

"The calm before the storm.." Rosette said, staring out of a window at the swirling blue of the wormhole. The driveroom was bustling, but it seemed like everyone was moving in slow motion.

"Security." Rosette said, using the ships intercom system. "Any volunteers to go to the planet on this mission should assemble in the hangar bays. All else, you're on defense duty. Either man the turrets, or you're on the look out for intruders." She said, forcing the security forces to work. The Space Corps Marines joined in, either staying onboard for security, or getting ready to deploy in the many Blue Midgets and Starbugs that were being prepared for war.

"A-are you going down t-too?" Rufus asked, wondering why he hadn't gone back to his lab yet.

Rosette put a hand on his shoulder. "I have to. If something happens to Jay, I've got to be there to make sure we pull it off." It was obvious to everyone around that rufus was worried in a way that he couldn't express, but it was time that they all got going. It would take them a long time to get down to the hangar bays to launch, and it was only so long before the wormhole would close, leaving them in dangerous territory.

"Here." she said, clipping her bracelet to his wrist. "You look after this. I'll come back and get it when it's all over." she said, then when she thought everyone was too busy leaving to get ready to pay any attention, she leant in and kissed his cheek.


"Rosette to all Security. she said from within her harness in a Starbug. "Remember the plan. Flamethrowers take point, support from the heavy machineguns. Riflemen to take flanks. We're all armed with alcohol filled bullets, so make them count." She said, checking her own rifle for what felt like the 50th time, just because it felt right. Placing it nearby, she rested her hands on the triggers of the Starbug's laser cannons, and readied herself for the fight.

As soon as the hangar bays opened, Jay's Phoenix rocketed out at full tilt, backed up by the fleet of blue midgets close behind. Further back, the more heavily armed Starbugs pottered along, able to weather more damage than their bluer counterparts. Explosions filled the skies of high orbit as the Vespidae tore through their path, in pursuit of a very similar enemy craft that had chosen to target their formation. Each one of the starbugs and blue midgets held a nuclear device capable of devastation beyond anything seen on Earth.

The Starbug formation flew at full speed until they were out of the detonation range to damage the Dwarf, before Rosette yelled into the radio.


As if rehearsed, the entire fleet split in different directions, but all ultimately heading for the planet surface.

"BREAK THROUGH! WE have to get past them somehow! Open fire with everything you have!" came Jay's voice over the radio system. the defence turrets began falling like flies to the fleet of human piloted ships. Several more were lost, but a larger part of the attack force made it through.

Glancing down at the radar screen next to her, she could see all the missiles heading towards the Phoenix. Escape pods scattered from it, all heading to the surface.

"No!" she yelled, spinning her turret around to blast at the incoming missiles. Several of them fell to her fire, but they were too fast. She grinned though, as she saw the escape pod with nuclear bomb in tow fly from the wreckage.

"There's nothing in the universe that can stop us..." she said, turning her turret back to the enemy ships, hitting a few more before the surface came into proper view.

"It hasn't changed..." she said, remembering her mission with Amber all that time ago.

Opening a channel to the fleet, she barked out "All craft, report in."

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