Seymour tries to do Pulp Fiction

Where: Seymour's
When: About and hour after Seymour realized it was true that they stole
his booze
Who: Seymour, Davie, Rosette, (Amber is
there too)
"My chardonney, my merlot, my cabernet sauvignon... Oh
the horror!" He felt rage building up inside him. His face went red.
"Oh Castillo you've gone to far this time. THIS MEANS WAR!"
*          *          *
Castillo had dimmed the lights and poured herself a glass of
Seymour's very
best Cabernet sauvignon.
<End Snip>
            Seymour paced back and
forth, angrily muttering and cursing to himself. "I absolutely can't believe she stole my wine collection!"
Seymour, lighten up!" said Davie,
looking up from his exoskeleton laying on table, it's holographic armor
projection unit open, "It's not like you need booze anyway."
            "But you
don't understand! What will I give my important guests to drink!?"
Milk? Soda? Coffee? Tea? Take your pick."
            "But it's
more than just for company! An extensive wine collection is a sign of a
socially successful man! And besides, wouldn't you like to have a glass of a
fine wine right about now?"
            "Nipples, I
don't drink. Never have and I never plan to."
            Seymour stopped pacing
and looked at his empty wine rack. "Right!" he exclaimed, picking up a laser
rifle, "Castillo, you're gonna give me back what's right fully mine!"
He ran over to the door, and raised
his fist in the air, "To action! To war! Death or Chardonnay glory!" and with
that Seymour
left the room. Davie
stood and called after him. "Well at least he has guts when wants to." said
Rosette dryly. "Yeah," said Davie,
picking up his own rifle from next to his armor on the table, "but what good is
it gonna do him if those guts get spread across the floor?" Davie jogged over to the door. "If any who
isn't us tries to get in, lock the door and hope they don't have guns. Seymour! Wait the smeg
"Well that's encouraging…"said
Rosette as Davie ran down the corridor after Seymour.
                                                *          *          *
Where: Captain's Quarters
When: A couple of minuets or so later
Who: Davie and Seymour
            Seymour peered around the
corner, and when he was sure it safe, he moved towards the door to Castillo's
quarters. Davie
moved up caught up to him. "Will you slow down!?" he whispered angrily, "This
is a really dumb idea any way, and I don't need you getting shot!"
            "I don't
think she's in."
            Davie sighed heavily and
paused for a moment. "Let's find out if she is or not then, shall we?" Davie said, walking up to
the door He stood next to it and knocked three times. "Captain? Are you in?" he
said. No one answered. "Right, Seymour. After you." Davie
said as he stepped out of the way and waved Seymour inside. "You stay here, Davie and guard the door.
That's how these things work isn't it?"
            "If you say
so. Just check the corners, be careful, and grab what you came for so we can
leg it. Oh, and try not to shoot yourself in the foot, eh?"
            Seymour walking inside,
holding his rifle awkwardly in his hands. The main room was void of any one,
and Seymour
walked over towards a gravity sled with a sheet over it. He cast the sheet off
and smiled happily to see his wine collection underneath. "Nice try Castillo,
but you're dealing with Seymour Niples." he said to himself.
He began to push the sled towards
the door when the toilet flushed in the bathroom. He turned and raised his
rifle at the door. It slid to the side and the Captain's body guard, Barry,
stood in the door way. Barry froze in the door way, holding a book in his hand
as he watched Seymour
point a rifle at him. The entire room way quiet, save for the sound of the
toilet refilling. They stared at each other for a long moment, and the instant
the sound of the toilet stopped, Seymour
pulled the trigger. The rifle bucked wildly in his hands, and Barry dropped to
the floor and covered his head with his hands. The bullets flew from Seymour's gun, slamming
into the wall above Barry until he ran out of ammunition. As the dust settled,
Barry looked up slowly at Seymour, who smiled weakly. Seymour dropped his gun and pushed the wine
sled quickly out of the room.           
"What the hell was that Nipples?!"
asked Davie.
Before Seymour
could answer,
Barry popped up outside the bathroom, and began firing out
the front door with a  pistol. "Leg it Seymour, I'll cover you!" yelled Davie as he racked the
blot on his laser rifle and ducked down next to the front door. Seymour took off down the
corridor with his wine sled. Davie
leaned around the corner to fire at Barry, but as he pulled the trigger his gun
jammed. "Damn! The JMC sure makes some crappy guns!"
            He dropped
the rifle and pulled his pistol he leaned around the corner and fired several
rounds at Barry, who ducked into the bathroom and returned a few shots. "Hey,
biggon? Why are you working for the captain still?" Davie shouted. "Because she's my commanding
officer! What ever she says, I do!" Barry replied, firing another volley of
rounds at Davie.
"Oh really?" Davie
fired once more. "Well if the captain said to piss in your own mouth, would you
do it?"
shouted Barry as he fired from the bathroom, "She already `as!"
disgusting man." Davie
leaned around the corner and fired the remained of his clip. "Shit, empty!"
leaned out of the bathroom and fired his gun until it ran out. "Merde, Vide!"
            "Hey, you
wouldn't happen to have any extra ammo, would you?"
            Davie dropped his gun and
pulled his knife, peering around the corner to see Barry rushing out of the
bathroom with the sharp stick of a broken plunger. Davie
rounded the corner and sped towards Barry, who thrust the sharp stick at Davie's midsection. Davie dodged the stick
and stepped to Barry's side. He slashed his wrist, causing him to drop the
stick. Barry elbowed Davie
in the gut, and turned to face him, catching him in the face with a left hook. Davie stepped back, then
lunged forwards with speed, aiming to stab Barry in the neck. Barry caught his
wrist in his left, and punched Davie
in the crook of the elbow with his right. Davie
dropped the knife and caught a punch in the face. He stumbled backwards and
Barry bent to pick up the knife, and Davie
kicked him in the stomach.
            Barry stood
and rushed Davie,
grabbing his hair, kneeing him in the abdomen several times. Davie
punched low for Barry's groin, but he missed as Barry backed away, still
holding tight to Davie
hair. He slammed his knee into Davie's
face, breaking his nose. Davie
punched again for the Frenchman's groin, hitting dead center. Barry yelled and let
go of Davie,
tripping backwards into the wall. Davie
stood and prepared to hit him with an open palm punch to the face, with would have
done more than break his nose. Barry slid his head to the side, and Davie's hand hit the
wall. He ducked and punched Davie
twice in the stomach. Davie
dropped low and tackled his mid section, pinning him against the wall. Davie worked his right
hand quickly up to Barry's face as he tried to push him away. Davie's
hand touched the body guard's eye, and Davie
dug in his fingers around the small orb and squeezed. Barry howled in pain as Davie tore his hand away,
taking Barry's left eye with it.        
Davie looked up and punched the man hard in
the face several times, sending him crashing bodily to the floor. He clutched
his profusely bleeding eye socket and screamed. Davie pulled him over to the bathroom door,
positioned his head in line with it, and pressed close. Barry's screaming abruptly halted as the door closed on his
head with a crunch. The door was
still held partly open by the Frenchman's skull, not having enough power to
crush it completely. Weather or not the door's pressure was enough to kill him
or not, Davie
wasn't sure, but if not, he'd be in critical condition by the time anyone found
picked up his knife off the floor and walked out the door, collecting his
weapon's and hurried back to Seymour's
*          *          *
            When Davie
reached the apartment, Rosette opened the door, and he stepped inside. "Ah, Davie! Thank for covering
me!" he said, setting down his half full wine glass. Davie
walked over to Seymour,
and punched him once across the cheek, knocking him to the floor, then he extended
a hand to help him up. Davie
chuckled slightly and smiled weakly. Davie
smiled at him, shaking his head. He plunked himself down on one of the sofas, and
wiped the blood off his face with a dish towel. He tried to take a deep breath,
but had to instantly spit it back out due to a searing pain in his chest from a
broken rib he just now realized he had. "Hey Seymour?"
            "You have
any painkillers?

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