Operation Gauloises

Who: Seymour, Davie, Rosette, Amber and anyone else here
Where: Resistance HQ, Seymour's quarters
When: After Davie got back
"Hey Seymour?"
"You have any painkillers?
<end snip>
"Absolutely not!" Seymour said. "Not for you, how dare you punch me like that!" He said, and then looked down at Davie's boots which were covered in blood. "And how dare you come into my apartment, treading footprints across my lovely carpet!"
Davie started wiping his bloodied hands on the curtains. "I just helped you get your wine back! I see you're halfway through one bottle already, did you start when I was fighting the big French goon for you? I wish I'd not bothered!"
"Okay children, break it up!" Said Rosette, stepping in. "We've got one enemy, and that's Castillo."
Seymour and Davie looked at their feet, ashamed.
"It's time for action, we have to do something drastic." Said Rosette.
Seymour nodded. "It's time to hit her where it hurts."
"Where?" asked Rosette.
"What is the one thing French people can't live without?"
"Frogs legs? Snails?" Said Davie.
Seymour considered for a moment how much of a moral victory stealing her supply of frogs legs would be. "No, what I meant was her cigarettes! Her quarters stink, she smokes like a chimney."
Seymour showed them a map. "She's got a year's supply of Gauloises cigarettes in cargo bay 4, if we start a fire it'll all go up in smoke – literally."
Davie poked a flammable rag into a bottle of Seymour's spirits. "We can create molotovs..."
Seymour snatched it back "Not with that! Do you jolly well know how expensive that is?! Just get some matches and follow me."
"No way, remember last time?" Said Davie. "You left me to deal with the bad guy myself!"
"The cargo bay isn't guarded, this should be jolly easy!" Said Seymour, "Now come on!"
"Wait!" Said Amber "What about Rufus? We need to get him out of prison."
Seymour nodded. "Ah yes, we can get the chap on the way back."
<Tag Davie, will you come along? Will Rosette and Amber come too? Is the cargo bay guarded after all? Will they be able to get Rufus out of prison? This all depends on who posts next!>

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