A chat with Madame Guillotine

Jelena had fallen off the worm and bashed her head on a rock. That was the last thing that she remembered as she woke up.

The room was cold - a dark dungeon. Something was constricting her neck. Her arms were tied behind her back.

Her eyes opened and she could see a basket below her, then she heard the voice of the Doombringer, currently in the form of a business man.

"You know", he said, "I really don't like perverted people. You're going to die, as is your friend".

Alex was in the same place, directly opposite her. Jelena turned her head and saw that he too was strapped down - to a guillotine. So, she realised, was she...

"So, who will lose their head first? Tell you what, I'll flip a coin. Heads - the lesbian. Tails - the womaniser".

The coin flew through the air and landed on the floor. The Doombringer looked down.

"Heads", he said, "Bye, bye, Jelena Markova".

He walked over to a panel on the wall and pulled a lever down.

Jelena only had time to scream before the blade severed her head.

<tag>You can rescue Alex, but Jelena's a hologram for the next little while</tag>

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