Screwy Louie

"What the hell? Get up!" Alex shook the drunken MACO.
"Leave me alone" the shark guy moaned.
"The Huzzards are revolting."
Jaxx pushed Solvay's hand off him. "They're quite tasty actually."
"Look, Seymour asked for you and he looked like he was about to burst a blood vessel. C'mon..."
"Puh. Seymour."
Alex jabbed him again. "Get the smeg up, a new tribe have shown up out of nowhere."
Jaxx sat up, thick-headed "You... are a horrible man."
Alex rolled his eyes. "That's not news to anyone, now get to your po-"
"You're all horrible. You all hate me."
"That's as maybe bu- Wha?"

Alex looked around at the wrecked bar. Sheepish rodents peeked around several comfy sofas and games consoles. There were cans and bottles all over the floor. Then he saw Louie.
"LOUIE!" He jabbed an accusatory finger towards the mouse. Louie was a known trouble maker and pool hustler.
"Yesh, Louie" slurred Jaxx "he's told me all about how nasty the crew is and what they're really like."
Alex took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
"I'm sure he did. You don't want to listen to a word that little goit says..."
"No. He once caused a fight between Pancake and Phil which lasted a week and ended in three explosions, an operation without anaesthetic and seven stomach pumps."
Jaxx blinked.
"Long story. Point is..." What was the point? "Well, the point is..."
"Well, the point is... he's a twat."
"Oi!" Louie squeaked in outrage.
"Oh smeg off Louie, you know full well what you're like."
The rodent shrugged. "Meh."
"Smeggin' 'ate rodents." Solvay muttered. The assembled creatures looked hurt. "Some rodents" he corrected himself.
"So you don't hate me?"
Alex gave him a look. "No."
Jaxx hiccuped. "That lady said mean things. And you were angry."
"YOU called competent crew members 'little lady'."
"Hmmf. You're not even soldiers! I am!"
"You'd be surprised..."
Jaxx's eyebrows knotted as he thought for a moment.
"And you don't want to hide me?"
"No. Yes. Because you're... energetic... and you eat people. But you're doing a useful job."
"... We need the medicine."
"I'm only two days old..." Jaxx sulkily flicked a crisp packet across the table in front of him.
"Well you've eaten enough for two months. Come on, dopey..." Alex's tone was gentler now.
The massive manshark mumbled something inaudible, pulled himself to his feet and with Solvay's help swayed back towards the Arboretum.


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