OOC - responses!

Plisken- you asked where the crew are, we'll, THEY'RE BEHIND YOU!!!

or, more accurately, they were forced to evacuate when Jaxx's AR machine overloaded the power grid and an unpleasant mutagenic gas flooded much of the ship. You can come up with your own explanation as to why you never made it to a shuttle but be careful, there will be few safe places from the gas for a few weeks!

The crew however are trapped on a planet where nothing electrical works - hence why Justin fizzled out and rebooted back on ship, why Bedge shut down and why Jaxx's nano's failed. Pliskens arm wouldn't work either!

Jaxx- sorry, i didn't even see your post, it never appeared in my inbox for some reason so when you said we clashed I was all like "watchu talkin' bout!" Then saw your post, we can just say Jays 'pep talk' took off at the end of you first post thouhh

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