Dream A Little Dream

“Mmmph!” Cass jerked awake, dazedly scrabbling upright and gazing in déjà vu tinged confusion around her unfamiliar, starlit and leafy surroundings, wondering where the hell she was
“Shit...” she breathed, her adrenaline fuelled, wildly hammering heart, gradually slowing as she took in the slumbering forms of her compatriots, realisation of what had just happened, slowly dawning “Shit...”
Another smegging nightmare!
Taking a deep breath, Cass let loose a long low sigh
Just another bad dream

While Cass was having her nightmare Jaxx was having a weird dream.

Jaxx was sitting on the beach again and staring at the waves. A voice behind him startled him again as it said, "Hello Sharkboy." Jaxx turned around to see the talking cat from his last dream. Jaxx asked, "Are you the talking cat from my last dream?" The cat looked at Jaxx and answered, "I see even as a human you are all brawn and no brains. And the name is Yourochi." Jaxx gave Yourochi a scowl. Then Yourochi turned into a beautiful naked woman again. Jaxx dropped his jaw in shock of her beauty. Yourochi smiled as she looked down at Jaxx's speedos and said, "Down boy."

Jaxx managed to compose himself again and asked, "So why am I here again?" Yourochi answered, "Your body is changing again. When you wake up you will no longer be human. You will look as you once were." Jaxx looked at his body again and saw his fins, gills and teeth were back. Jaxx asked, "So I will be be my normal self again?" Yourochi answered, "I am afraid not. For the most part you will be your old MACO self, however your nanos have been replaced by the green mutagen slime. It will function very similar with one small catch." Jaxx looked at Yourochi and asked, "What catch?" Yourochi thought about how she would tell him as she posed like a swimsuit model.

Jaxx waited patiently till Yourochi answered, "If your go without food for one day you might have the urge to sort of get a bit upset and" Then Yourochi mumbled, "turn into a frenzied shark monster." Jaxx shook his head and asked, "WHAT?" Yourochi said, "I said turn into a Frenzied Shark Monster! Man I hate having to repeat myself." Jaxx stared at Yourochi for a while before asking, "So I have to eat everyday or turn into a shark monster that eats everything in site." Yourochi nodded. Jaxx asked, "Then how do I....."

Jaxx was awakened by a slightly clumsy Cass walking by.

They both started at the sound of a branch snapping nearby, Alex wheeling in the direction of the sound, his eyes searching for any sign of movement out in the undergrowth as Cass gingerly stepped over the slumbering bodies to begin trying to shake Jay awake
She could hear something big, breathing out in the undergrowth...

< Prev : Part of the food chain Next > : Egg heads.